chapter 14:

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 She reached for the first aid kit under the sink and opened it. She then grabbed a chair and sat on it, while taking the necessary supplies out of the kit. Sadie had focused on her breathing because she felt quite lightheaded.

-Sammy!, screamed Millie holding Sadie's arm, scared that she would faint.

The boy's head popped up by the door frame.

-Could you get a glass of water with some sugar in it, a chocolate and an apple please?, asked the girl quickly.

The little boy hadn't taken his eyes off Sadie's blood.

-She...ok?, wondered the boy tilting his head while speaking with a soft and worried tone.

-She will be, but the water and food will help. So, can you-, she didn't even have to end her sentence he was already gone.

-He's n-not a big talker, is he?, chuckled Sadie but regretted it immediately feeling her wound burning as the cold wind of the open window caressed her wound.

Millie noticed it and quickly closed the window, sitting back down in front of Sadie. Millie tried to work her way through Sadie's t-shirt but in vain.

-I think it's best if you take everything off. I mean the uhm, the t-shirt and leather jacket. Only if you want to of course, it would just be easier-, rambled the younger girl.

Sadie didn't answer and just started taking the jacket and the t-shit off, making it easier for Millie to access the wound. The younger girl gulped as she took a quick look at Sadie's toned body. She couldn't lie, it had some effect on her, which she of course ignored. She shook those thoughts away and started taking care of her, being as gentle as possible. The wound was on the same level as her bellybutton but a bit to the left. Once Millie was done and had put a patch on the wound, she started cleaning and putting the used thing away to throw in the trashcan. Sammy appeared with everything Millie had asked for. He walked up to Sadie, looked up at her, but the girl did the mistake to look back and smile, so he basically ran away after putting everything down.

-Wha- What did I do?, pouted Sadie.

-Nothing., chuckled Millie.

Millie looked down and started to get lost in her thoughts, which Sadie obviously noticed. The older teenager took Millie's hand gently, so the younger girl finally looked up to meet those mesmerizing blue eyes.

-What's on your mind?, asked Sadie with her soft voice.

-Nothing to worry about., answered Millie while avoiding her foster sister's gaze.

-Mills, come on., imposed the older girl.

-Sades, stop. I'm just thinking about school and grades., tried the other teenager.

-Millie., said Sadie using her serious tone, which somehow gave the younger girl goosebumps.

-I'm sorry, ok? This is all my fault. I shouldn't have told you about Lilia or any of my drama. He only came after you because you stood up to Lilia for me and you got her in trouble. This is my fault Sades, and I'm so sorry. I-, rambled Millie as her foster sister interrupted her.

-Are you done?, asked Sadie rhetorically.

-Wha-, tried the younger girl.

-None of what happened is your fault, ok? She was your friend and she let you down when you needed her the most and now, she's bullying you, so you deserve someone who helps you and who actually cares. And what happened today is not your fault. You didn't choose to get bullied for liking girls, Millie. You are who you are, and no one can change that, certainly not a psycho who's jealous that you get to be you and not hide behind a fake mask., replied Sadie looking her in the eyes using a firm yet comforting tone.

A phone rang because of a notification, but it wasn't Millie's, and it certainly wasn't Sadie's. Millie looked at the door, only to find her mother with a surprised reaction. She froze.

-You like girls?, asked the mother walking in.

Millie nodded as tears started to flow down her cheeks.

-Oh honey, you only figured that out now?, joked Grace.

-Y-You knew?, wondered Millie looking confused.

-If I knew? Sweetie, you told me you wanted to marry your babysitter when you were younger. You wouldn't stop talking about how amazing Angelina Jolie was in the Lara Kroft movies and let's not forget that you kept making eye contact with that Spanish girl during the last holidays at the beach., chuckled the mother.

-So you knew since, what, kindergarten?, asked Millie looking at her with a smile but also tears in her eyes.

-Pretty much, yes., replied Grace nodding.

-And y-you're ok with it?, wondered the younger girl as she didn't manage to keep her voice from shaking.

-You're my daughter, Millie. I love you no matter what. I don't care who you love as long as they treat you right and give you the love and affection that you deserve, ok?, replied the mother taking her daughter in her arms and hugging her.

Sadie just sat there, tears in her eyes, seeing it all happen. Why tears? She was happy for Millie that her mother reacted in a good way, but there were also some tears because she remembered how full of rage her parents were when they found out about Sadie. Her mother took it out on her verbally, but her dad took it to the physical level, slapping her and hitting her, thinking that it could possibly change anything.

-Sades?, asked Millie as she looked at her completely confused.

-Hm? Oh, uh, don't worry, I'm just happy Grace is so accepting. You really deserve a mother like that., smiled Sadie quickly wiping her tears away.

-Thank you., replied the younger girl.

-And I'm sorry for outing you. I should have been more careful., apologized the other teenager.

-No, don't apologize. I'm glad that it's out. It's like a weight left my shoulders. So basically, thank you., explained Millie chuckling.

-I'm going to answer to the text, see you at dinner girls., smiled Grace as she left the bathroom.  

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: double update as a sorry for taking so long to update

For love is the best of healers // +Sillie+Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz