Chapter 32:

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They were finally on the bus to go to their museum visit after handing in their permission papers, both signed by Grace. Millie and Sadie were still in an awkward situation of not really knowing what they are and what they're allowed to be, and after Sadie revealed that she was not planning on starting anything with her foster sister, Millie tried her hardest to be mad at her but she couldn't. 

Sadie decided to at least spend the bus trip with her closest friend, sitting next to Olivia and talking about things that Sadie had missed out on. 

-Aw man, I wish I could have seen that., chuckled Sadie but she then saw her teacher approach.

-Hey Sadie, I...I don't really know how to say this. The museum's security knows about your situation. You will go through a metal detector and so will your backpack. They will probably pat you down too. I know it's a lot and I tried to negotiate and find a better solution but they refused. I would understand if you didn't want to come with us. It's your decision. I just got the call., explained the teacher, standing in the bus' hallway and looking down at the redhead.

Sadie frowned and shrugged.

-I don't want to missed out on the visit. As long as it's a woman patting me down, I'll be fine. Thank you for warning me, Miss., thanked Sadie with a light smile.

The teacher nodded and walked back to her seat, going back to talking to another teacher. Obviously the people sitting around them heard it, meaning Jillian, Millie and Lilia. 

-That's just stupid. They should not be allowed to do that. How are you okay with this?, asked Olivia with a frown.

-What did you expect? You do one mistake and you'll pay for it for the rest of your life. That's how this society works., sighed Sadie, not really caring at that point.

-I can call my mom if you want me to?, asked Millie, sitting behind Sadie and Olivia.

-And tell her what? That I'm gonna get pat down because of my criminal case? I deserve this. It's fine., replied the redhead, not looking at Millie though.

-Okay, fine. But at least don't have anything metal on you and maybe check your backpack for anything that could get you in trouble., suggested Millie, which made Sadie realize something.

-Shit., whispered the redhead as she quickly grabbed her back and opened it. 

She clenched her jaw and looked at Olivia.

-The gun that those bitches used on us. The airsoft gun. I have it with me., admitted Sadie.

-Why would you have that with you?, frowned Lilia, sitting alone next to Sadie and Olivia.

-I don't know. I didn't want Grace to find it so I hid it in my backpack which I know realize is kinda stupid., sighed Sadie, looking at Lilia.

-Give me your backpack., said Millie, getting up slightly to reach it better.

Sadie frowned but obeyed, handing her the backpack. The brunette took it and sat down. She then pulled her own backpack from under her seat and opened it. She quickly yet carefully took the fake gun and put it in her own backpack. She closed it and then handed Sadie's backpack back to the redhead. Sadie turned slightly to look at her.

-Are you sure?, asked the redhead, keeping the eye contact with Millie.

-Yeah. If I get caught, I won't get as much trouble as you would get. I got you., said the brunette, looking at Sadie.

-Thank you. I owe you one., replied Sadie with a light nod.

-No, you don't., chuckled Millie, shaking her head.

Sadie shrugged and turned back around, feeling Olivia's eyes on her.

-What?, asked Sadie with a pout.

-Nothing, nothing. We'll talk later, yeah?, suggested Olivia with a chuckle as she saw the pouty expression.

-Alright, will do., nodded the redhead and looked out the window as she saw the huge building appearing on the side of the road.

The bus driver pulled over, stopping at the entrance of the building. 

(If you wonder what the building looks like in my head, I went to the Korean national museum last summer in Seoul and I've been planning a scene like this since. google national museum of Korea, even tho they're not in Seoul, im imagining it in this building.)

The teacher made everyone get out of the bus, counting the heads to make sure that no idiot was still asleep on the bus or was missing already. She then asked for the guide that was supposed to lead them through the museum. They were approached by a man.

-Hello, I'm Hunter. I'm your guide for today. If you have any questions throughout the tour, do not hesitate to ask. Of course I will also let you wander around on your own once our tour is over. Does anyone have questions at this time?, asked the young man, looking at the crowd of students.

No one replied to he nodded and told the teacher to follow him inside. They walked into a huge hall, seeing some coffee shops and the souvenir shop for later. They were then all pulled aside.

-Who is Sadie Sink?, asked Hunter as he talked to the students.

-Here., said the redhead, showing her head.

-Please come forward so we can quickly do this search and then go on with our visit., said the young man, showing her the security guard who got the machine for her backpack ready.

-Alright, take watches, belts and other metal accessories off. Then walk through., said the man, watching Sadie.

The redhead clenched her jaw, feeling her classmates' eyes on her and hating it. It was humiliating for her. She walked through the thing as told, but it beeped. She sighed and looked at the security guard.

-I'll have to pat you down., said the man.

-Don't you have a female security guard? I'm a minor. You shouldn't be patting me down., said Sadie, looking at her teacher for support.

-She's right. You are obligated to have a female and male guard at all times for cases like this., said the teacher, walking up to them.

-Ma'am, I will kindly ask you to take a few steps back. I don't really have a choice here. I either pat you down or you don't go on., replied the security guard, motioning for Sadie to move closer.

The redhead sighed, feeling numb at that point.

-Lift your arms to the side and spread your legs lightly., said the man, so Sadie obeyed, just wanting to get it over with.

She clenched her jaw and tensed up when the man started patting her down, as if she could possibly be hiding a bomb or something. She zoned out until he spoke again.

-Okay, you're good to go. Grab your backpack and your things., said the security guard, taking a step back to give Sadie some space.

Sadie quickly grabbed her stuff, walking back to her classmates and waiting for someone to break the silence.

-Alright, shall we start the visit then?, asked Hunter who already started walking further into the building without getting an answer.

Olivia walked alongside Sadie and kept an eye on her. She knew that Sadie wouldn't want to talk about it but she would still want to be there for her, just in case. 

-Uhm, Sadie?, said Millie with a tone that Sadie could not decipher.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: hello! it's been a while. school and stuff have kept me quite busy. hope you enjoy this! I will try to update the following chapter this weekend or the next weekend, we'll see! Be patient! Thank you and goodbye!

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