chapter 3:

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Sadie was staring out the window, trying to look as calm as possible, not wanting the woman to think that she was crazy or weird. They were at a red light. Sadie looked up to the light and saw a quick flashback to the police car following them that night, then the tree, then Jenna's body covered in blood. It was seconds but seemed like an eternity. She was breathing heavily, and tears were forming in her eyes.

- Sadie, are you okay?, asked the woman concerned.

Sadie nodded, but it was obviously a lie. Grace pulled up and stopped the car.

-Look at me?, said the woman softly.

Sadie didn't move, looking at her hands in her lap. Grace gently put her hand on Sadie's chin, making her look up, meeting Sadie's red and teary eyes. Sadie freed her chin from the woman's hand, which Grace did not seem to mind, understanding that she might not like the contact.

-Breathe, it's okay. You're safe., said the woman soothingly.

Sadie sighed and managed to calm herself, making her tense body calm down slightly.

-I know what happened that night, we were told every detail. I know what you saw-, Sadie interrupted the woman.

-We?, asked the young girl, unsure of who she meant.

-My husband and my 2 children., explained Grace to which Sadie responded with a nod.

-And cats?, asked Sadie as she was looking out the window.

-How do you know?, wondered the woman.

-The trunk is full of cat hairs., stated Sadie.

-God, I thought I told Millie to vacuum it. I'll talk to her later., informed Grace.

Sadie gave her an unsure and confused look.

-My oldest. Millie., replied the woman, to which Sadie again replied with a quick nod.

-You'll be sharing a room with her., added Grace.

-I can sleep on the couch., suggested Sadie.

-Don't be silly. Plus, it's Millie who suggested to share her room and trust me, she won't accept no as an answer., chuckled the woman.

Sadie didn't know how to react to that, so she didn't react. At all.

-Anyways, what I was trying to say is that we may not understand everything you went through these last months, but we're here for you. We will be here for you whenever you need us, okay? I know it's a lot to ask, but you can trust us., explained the woman calmly.

-Okay. I'll try ma'am., said Sadie.

-Call me Grace., replied the woman.

-Okay Grace., repeated Sadie.

Grace put her hands back on the steering wheel and turned the car back on, driving back into the street. Sadie focused on whatever was going on outside. She missed being out. Being free. She knows that she's not completely free, being aware of the bracelet on her ankle. They were driving through some fields with forests around. She turned to Grace.

-Can I open the window?, asked the girl hesitantly.

-Yes, of course. You don't have to ask., replied Grace keeping her eyes on the road.

Sadie opened the window and felt the fresh air against her skin. She put her chin on the opened window, closing her eyes and enjoying the wind caressing her skin. She sighed and a small smile formed on her lips. It felt as if she was flying. She felt weightless, like if she was surfing on the wind. Sadie opened her eyes as she felt a colder wind rub against her cheek. They were driving in a forest. It was beautiful. Like those aesthetic forest that she's seen in movies or pictures. Then she felt the car slowing down and she looked right ahead, seeing a house. It wasn't a mansion, but almost. The house seemed pretty new, which Sadie liked a lot. She then saw some people on the driveway of the house as they pull up. There was a man, probably Grace's husband, then a little boy, probably 12 years old or less. Then there was a teenage girl, which Sadie figured was Millie. She didn't look quite like Sadie had imagined her. She had a nerdy and well not really pretty girl on her mind, yet Millie was quite beautiful, and her glasses gave her a cute aspect. Sadie didn't notice the car had stopped and that she was quite literally staring at Millie. She quickly looked at Grace, who was grabbing her own purse. Thank god she didn't notice. The man walked up to the car and opened the door for Sadie, but the girl didn't move.

-Welcome Sadie, I'm Dave, Grace's husband. This is Millie our daughter and Sammy our son., said the man smiling.

Sadie nodded but still didn't move from her seat.

-It's okay Sadie, you can come out., said Grace appearing next to her husband.

Sadie looked up at the adults, realizing that she's going to be living in strangers house, with people she doesn't even know. She slowly got out of the car and closed the door. The man opened his arms to hug her, but Sadie misinterpreted it, thinking he wanted to hit her, so she grabbed his wrist and twisted it, while pushing the male adult against the car. Grace was surprised by her reaction, but she understood where it was coming from.

- Sadie, let him go. It's okay. He just wanted to hug you. He's a hugger. You're okay., explained Grace gently placing her hand on Sadie's shoulder, which happened to be the shoulder where she got shot.

Sadie flinched and let go of the man. Grace quickly took her hand back, seeing the girl's reaction.

-I'm uh sorry Dave, I didn't mean to-, tried Sadie.

-No, it's alright. It's my fault. I should have asked if it's okay to hug you. I know that you've been through a lot, but know that I would never intentionally hurt you, okay?, explained Dave who looked her straight in the eyes the whole time.

-Okay. I'm still sorry though., replied Sadie.

-All good, don't worry. Millie, why don't you show Sadie around the house, especially where she's going to sleep., asked the man to her daughter.

-Of course., replied Millie.

Sadie was again, staring at the younger girl. Her eyes were so beautiful and mesmerizing. They were a light brown or hazel color. Sadie had never seen anything like that. Millie looked at the other girl and smiled at her. The girl turned around, wanting to walk into the house but got interrupted by Sadie waking up from her intense staring.

-Wait, my bag is in the trunk., exclaimed Sadie.

-You mean, this one?, asked Millie showing her Sadie's bag that she had taken out of the trunk during the Dave moment.

-Oh, uh, yes., replied Sadie mentally slapping herself.

She hadn't even noticed that Millie was carrying her bag, that's how focused she was as she was staring at Millie's eyes. She was feeling quite embarrassed. Millie walked inside and Sadie simply followed her. The tour was quite short, Millie quickly showing her around the house. It was very classy on the inside which Sadie found quite charming. They had a piano in the living room, which made Sadie wonder who plays the instrument. Then Millie stopped in front of a door.  

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: Hello! i hope you're enjoying this! okay bye!

For love is the best of healers // +Sillie+Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora