chapter 9:

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The car stopped right next to the school. Sadie finally looked up, meeting curious eyes of students walking past the police car. Sadie recognized a few, but she didn't know them personally. The officer walked out the car, opening Sadie's door and helping her out of the car. Sadie grabbed her backpack and just held it with her hand. The officer chuckled as he saw her struggle.

-Got something you want to say?, asked Sadie provokingly.

-Don't talk to me like that., replied the man grabbing her wrist and tightening it.

-Or what? Are you going to shoot me? Again?, asked Sadie.

She scoffed and freed her wrist, pulling away. Suddenly she felt pain all over her body as she groaned and fell to her knees. The electric bracelet.

-You son of a bitch., said Sadie breathing heavily.

-Get up and don't make me use it again., said the officer. 

Sadie clenched her jaw and slowly got up. She looked around to see if anyone had witnessed the scene, but no one did. The officer grabbed her wrist again and started walking, basically dragging her to the building. 

-I know the way. Let me go., said the teenage girl firmly, making him feel uneasy.

He surprisingly let go. Millie had told her to which classroom to go, so she followed the instruction of her new friend. The policeman didn't say a word, following Sadie. The girl could hear people whispering and she could feel their stares as she walked through the hallways but didn't care or at least she didn't show that she cared. She stopped at a door. Her old classroom. 

-Is it here?, asked the officer seemingly annoyed.

-No., replied Sadie coldly.

-Then continue walking., ordered the man.

Sadie scoffed, continuing walking the way Millie told her to follow. Sadie didn't care about the students of her new class, because she was then only going to school to have better opportunities and possibilities in the future. She wasn't there to make friends. She was in front of the door, hearing people talking and just chatting. Sadie then walked inside followed by the policeman. Curious eyes quietly looked at her. There was no more chatting. Just 17 teenagers staring at the girl with handcuffs and the officer. Sadie scanned the room, looking quite intimidating. She spotted a free seat in the last room, so she walked to it. She put her backpack down and sat on the chair, looking at the other teenagers, showing that she's nor shy nor afraid. Suddenly the door opened, and Millie walked in avoiding the 17 teenagers. Sadie smiled to her as Millie's eyes landed on her. Then a girl got up from her chair and walked up to her. Sadie immediately noticed that something was wrong because Millie's expression changed so quickly. She seemed scared. Before the girl could say anything to Millie, Sadie spoke up.

-Millie., said Sadie loud and clear.

Everyone turned to Sadie, who was ignoring every pair of eyes, staring and judging. 

-Come sit next to me., continued Sadie.

-The teacher assigned the seats. I sit right in front of you., explained Millie trying to focus on not looking afraid.

-Then come and sit down, I have some questions about school stuff., lied Sadie.

Millie nodded and the girl in front of Millie miraculously let her walk past, which calmed Millie. The girl sat down in front of Sadie and turned around to face her. 

-So, what are those questions?, asked Millie.

-Who was that girl?,replied Sadie.

-That would be Lilia, my bully., answered the younger girl.

-The one who posted that video? Your ex-best friend?, asked Sadie wanting to be sure to understand.

Millie nodded and got lost in her thoughts after Sadie mentioned the video. She knew that every single one of her classmates had probably seen it and were currently judging her. She looked up meeting those familiar soft blue eyes. She somehow felt immediately safer. She was glad to have Sadie. She went to put her hands on Sadie's, but the policeman stopped her.

-No physical contact with other students., explained the man seriously.

-I'm her foster sister, fuck off., replied Millie not caring that she just told an officer to fuck off.

The man didn't say anything, so Millie put her hands on Sadie's, who felt the stares from all her classmates judging them. Millie noticed Sadie's reaction and quickly understood the situation. 

-I'm sorry. They'll probably think that you're a dyke too., said Millie taking her hands back.

-Mills?, whispered Sadie loud enough to get her foster sister's attention.

-Yeah?, asked the girl clearly confused.

-I don't care what they think of me. I know who I am, I don't need them to tell me. Did someone call you dyke?, asked Sadie suddenly realizing what Millie had said earlier.

-Oh uh, no, no., quickly replied Millie. 

A girl sitting next to Millie turned around.

-Some assholes glued a paper with the word dyke on it, to her locker., explained the unknown girl.

-Wait what?, said Sadie getting worked up.

-It's fine Sades., tried Millie.

-Were you one of them?, asked Sadie to the unknown girl.

-Did you not hear me call those people 'assholes'?, asked the girl rhetorically.

-Right. Do you know who did it?, replied Sadie.

-No. But I can imagine who it was., said the girl turning around looking at Lilia.

-She's dead., whispered Sadie clenching her jaw.

-Sadie, no. You could get in some real trouble., said Millie placing her hands back on Sadie's.

-It's not like she isn't already., replied the unknown girl looking at the policeman.

-Shut up Emma., said Millie not looking away from Sadie.

-You don't know me, so you don't get to judge me., replied Sadie not looking at Emma.

-Yeah, right, my bad., said Emma turning back around.

As Sadie was about to call Lilia's name, a teacher entered the room, making every student sit on their assigned seats. Sadie had had that teacher the previous year, her English teacher Miss Ryder. The teacher put her stuff on the front table and looked around the class, meeting Sadie's eyes.

-I see Sadie Sink has decided to join us., said the woman smiling happily.

-Hi Miss Ryder., replied Sadie smiling slightly.

-Welcome back. It's nice to see you again., said the teacher. 

-Thank you, it's also n-, Sadie got interrupted by the door opening rapidly.

-I'm sorry I'm late! My bus didn't show up!, said Olivia quickly.

Sadie looked at that familiar face and froze. Olivia. Jenna's best friend. Her old close friend. What was she doing there? She was supposed to be on a higher grade. Unless she failed her last school year.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: hello there! random update cause i am bored and corona is killing me. my fever is as high as snoop dog, send help

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