Chapter 47:

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-Fine, I'm coming up., sighed Sadie as she put her foot on the first step of the ladder.

-Don't. You're going to hurt yourself., said a voice.

Sadie raised her eyebrows and looked up, seeing a familiar face.

-Matador., whispered Sadie to herself.

-Hey, Sades. It's been a while., chuckled the girl.

-271 days., replied Sadie as she started climbing up the ladder now, ignoring her pain.

-You're going to hurt yourself. Stay down., said Jenna as she seemed amused by Sadie's reaction.

Sadie didn't reply, slowly making her way up until she was standing in the treehouse. She turned to the girl, just staring at her.

-I can't tell if you're going to punch me or-, started Jenna but she then yelped when Sadie tackled her.

Sadie hugged her tightly, feeling herself shaking.

-Or hug me., finished Jenna as she wrapped her arms around Sadie as well, hugging her back.

-I'm so fucking high on pain meds. Please tell me you're real., whispered Sadie as she didn't dare to pull away.

-I'm real, Sades., chuckled Jenna as she pinched Sadie's arm.

Sadie couldn't help but tear up as she kept hugging her.

-I didn't kill you., cried the redhead.

-Technically you did. I was dead for 20 seconds., chuckled the smaller girl.

Sadie pulled away and looked at her, shaking her head.

-Not funny., said Sadie with a frown.

-Too soon?, asked Jenna as she looked at Sadie with tears in her eyes.

-How- How are you- Just how..., struggled Sadie as she gulped and tried to speak.

-When they took me into the ambulance, they tried to reanimate me again. They succeeded., explained Jenna as she looked down and wiped a tear away.

-But why did-, started Sadie but she got interrupted.

-Why did they pronounce me dead? Because Darwins was scared of going to jail for shooting you without reason. So me being dead made everyone focus on you., replied Jenna with a sigh, looking back up at her friend. know what, I'm just gonna let you explain everything. Please., stated Sadie as she sat down on the treehouse's floor.

Jenna sat down as well, looking at her friend and nodding.

-Okay. This going to be a lot. So, me being dead was good for Darwins. He wanted to keep me dead. For context, he's rich. He bought off a few nurses and doctors who took care of my injuries. They brought me back to health after a month. He then moved me from the hospital to his house. He kept me in his fancy basement. He locked me in there for months. He slowly let me get more things. Books, pens to draw, even a TV. I was told that you got out of juvie. God, I felt so bad that you had gone to juvie because of me. Or him, I guess. He told me a week ago that he would have to go to school with you. He...He told me what happened on the first day...with the taser. I'm glad our principal didn't let him stay. He was furious. He loved having power over you. It...It was disgusting. Since he couldn't let his anger out on you, he let it out on me. I dont want to go into detail on how. Then, a few days ago, I was watching the news. I had been planning for escape for a while but wasn't sure on what to do once I'm out. But when I saw that you and Liv were in that museum and hostages? I had to get out and see you. I got out through the window after having spent weeks breaking the bars in a way that he wouldn't notice. I got out and ran away. I took a bus to the museum. When I arrived, you guys were already out. I tried to hide in the crowd but...Liv saw me. I got scared, so I ran. I couldn't go home because my parents moved away. I couldn't go to the cops cause Darwins would have known about it and bought off his friends. I didn't want to risk it. I...I went to your place since I knew that it was empty. I found one of your two hidden keys. I got in and I stayed there for the past few days. I risked it all to visit you. I wanted you to know about me. And about Darwins. So I brought you flowers and a message. I hoped that you would remember. What I forgot was that you had diaries. When I heard voices in the house, I hid in the basemen where I had been hiding every time workers worked next to your house. I saw Liv. She was two meters from me. I wanted tell her. Talk to her. But I was scared. Of what Darwins could do to you. To all of you. I just wanted to keep you from any harm. So when two of those girls came back to the basement, I ran. I ran and didn't look back. When I was in the forest, I remembered this place. I just...I came here. And now you're here. And- And I'm scared that me telling you this will put you in danger. I don't want you to- to get hurt again., explained Jenna as she had to slow down every time she felt like she was about to break down.

-I won't get hurt. And neither will you. One of the girl's father, Lilia, her dad is the chief of the police. He runs everything in our town. He just arrested Darwins. Like, an hour ago. We've been working with him to build a case against Darwins. Jenna, no more running away. He's gone and if you tell the chief what you told me, he'll be gone for good. Please trust me., frowned Sadie as she reached for Jenna's hand.

Jenna pulled her hand away and shook her head.

-I trust you. I just don't trust the chief., replied Jenna.

-Okay. I get that and I don't blame you. But trust me when I tell that my foster family is safe. If you let me, I will call the mother and she'll let you crash at her place until we figured things out., explained the redhead.

-Foster family? I...I don't know, Sades., sighed Jenna, now looking at her.

-Grace called the mortician and made him admit that he was paid off. She cares about this. About you. Please, let us help you. It's cold and you're not going to survive here for long., replied Sadie.

Jenna sat back against the wall and looked into a void, clearly lost in her thoughts. She then looked at Sadie.

-I would never do anything to harm you again. You have my word., promised Sadie.

-I know. I know. And I don't blame you for the accident. It was Darwins' fault., admitted Jenna with a light smile.

Sadie nodded and then waited for a response.

-Okay. Call her. But, I do not want to talk to cops. I...I need some time. Please?, asked Jenna with a desperate look.

-No cops. I promise., nodded Sadie with a light smile.

Jenna nodded again and just watched her. Sadie took her phone out, going through the very few numbers that she has. She then called Grace. It didn't take long for her to pick up.

-Sadie, where are you? I was just called by the hospital that you're not there., asked Grace with worry in her voice.

-Hi, Grace. I...I found Jenna. I'm with Jenna., confessed Sadie as she looked at Jenna.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: hi! wrote this during school cause i'm bored xd! sorry for the huge paragraph but it was very much needed!!

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