chapter 28:

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-So, the rumor that you started about me and Millie? Mind explaining that?, said Emma.

-I will shut it down. I was just scared that people would find out that I was lying about outing Millie. It was stupid. I can simply shut it down., rambled Lilia.

Emma looked at her and nodded.

-Okay, works for me., replied the older girl.

-Okay. I'm sorry by the way., apologized Lilia, looking back at Emma.

-Thanks, I guess., said Emma.

They got food after that and quickly ate to simply go back to class. Once the classes were over, they could finally leave and take the bus to go home again. Sadie got in the bus with Millie, seeing Corey and now Emma too. Millie sat down, not looking or talking to Sadie. The redhead of course didn't like that, so she would talk to her later. She waited the entire ride, wanting some privacy. They eventually got out of the bus. They quietly walked home, where Grace was waiting for them in kitchen. The girls looked at her confused.

-Are we in trouble?, asked Millie confused on why her mom was sitting by the table, a cup of tea in her hands and her worried look.

-I don't know, you tell me., replied the mother.

-What do you mean?, frowned the brunette.

-I could feel the tension between you two. Did something happen?, asked Grace, now eyeing the two.

-No, what should have happened?, wondered Millie, panicking cause she didn't know which tension her mother was referring to.

-I don't know. You two seemed closer yesterday than this morning. So yeah, I was wondering if something happened last night or this morning?, asked Grace, now mostly asking Sadie, hoping she would be honest.

-No. Nothing happened., replied the redhead.

The woman sighed and nodded.

-Okay then. I'm gonna go groceries shopping. I'll be back later., said Grace.

-Wait- We got a sheet to go to the museum with the class and uhm, since you're my legal guardian, could you maybe sign it?, asked Sadie, fidgeting with her backpack.

-Yeah, of course. You two put your sheets on the counter, I'll sign them tonight. I'll be back. Oh and Tommy is at his piano lessons. He and my husband will be home at 6pm. I trust you girls to stay here together., said the woman, grabbing her purse and making her way to the door.

Sadie nodded and was relieved that she was allowed to go to the museum. Grace left and Sadie looked at Millie. The brunette ignored her and walked upstairs to her room. Sadie sighed and followed her, closing the door behind her.

-Alright, why the silent treatment?, asked Sadie, slightly pissed.

-Why? Really? You're asking me why? Wow. You're even more oblivious than I thought you were., scoffed the brunette, putting her backpack on her bed and taking some books out.

Sadie walked up to her and spoke.

-Watch the attitude. Tell me what's wrong without being a bitch., said Sadie, standing right behind Millie.

-What's wrong? What's wrong is that you forgave my bully. The one you promised to keep me safe from. The one you said you'd make her pay., scoffed Millie, not calming down.

-I don't like people getting hurt. Whether you like it or not, that includes Lilia too. She apologized. She will do better. If she hurts you again, she will regret being born. I know how important best friends are. I didn't want you losing each other. Not like I lost mine., explained Sadie, turning Millie around in the middle of it and looking her in the eyes.

-She is a bully! Not my best friend! Not anymore. So if you wanna hang out with her, have fun. I don't want to be included in your little group. So if you want to hang out with her, stay away from me., replied the brunette, clenching her jaw at the end.

-Millie, if she hurts you again, I'll upload the video., said Sadie.

-What video?, frowned Millie.

-Right. I forgot to show you. Wait., replied Sadie as she grabbed her phone and turned it on.

She then started the video. Millie watched quietly, until she saw...the kiss. She clenched her jaw once again and shook her head lightly. She tried to focus on the rest of the video but struggled. Then it was over.

-You kissed her?, said Millie.

-She kissed me., replied Sadie, looking at her.

-Of course she did., scoffed Millie, turning back around, angrily taking some books out of her backpack.

-I told you to watch your attitude., repeated Sadie.

-Or what? Hm? Tell me Sadie, what happens if I don't?, replied Millie, turning back around, facing Sadie with an angry frown.

Sadie clenched her jaw, taking a step back and shaking her head. She walked to her bed and grabbed her backpack, taking the books out that she wouldn't need the next day. She then heard steps behind her, turning around, seeing Millie walk up to her with determination. Sadie stayed unfazed. The brunette was now in front of her, only a few inches from Sadie. The redhead looked at her, raising an eyebrow, about to speak. But before she could let a word out, Millie leaned in and kissed her. It was a quick kiss. Almost like a peck. The redhead frowned and looked at her. Millie's eye widened as she realized what she had done.

Sadie chuckled and put her hands on Millie's sides, pulling her closer before kissing her softly. The brunette melted into the kiss, feeling her heartbeat finally calming down. She then pulled away and sighed, putting her forehead against Sadie's.

-I don't want to lose you to her., said the brunette.

-I'm not going anywhere. Literally. This ankle bracelet is proof., chuckles Sadie, looking at Millie with a soft smile.

-I'm serious., whispered Millie.

-I'm here to stay, Millie., replied the redhead, pulling her forehead a little, putting both her hand on Millie's cheeks, making her look at her.

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: i'm yet again not home, im on a vacation! yeah bye now

For love is the best of healers // +Sillie+Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon