chapter 12:

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During a small break, she walked out of the school, sighing. She took her phone out and called Grace. She waited for a few seconds, until she heard the woman's worried voice.

-Sadie? Are you okay?, asked the woman quickly.

-Yeah. Yes. I'm fine. I was just calling to tell you that the principal sent the policeman home. Maybe contact my lawyer? I got a paper that says that the judge approved of it., explained Sadie calmly.

-I will contact her and then I'll let you know. I'll also talk to your lawyer about you being shot after you show me your wound, okay?, replied Grace.

-Okay. Thank you. I have to go now. Bye., said the redhead as she turned her phone off.

She walked back into the school and then back to her class, ignoring everyone, not feeling like socializing.

The rest of the day at school was pretty decent. Lilia didn't continue to bother the girls, mostly because she feared Sadie. But she knew that the girl would probably pull something to get her revenge and power back.

As Sadie walked out of the school after the final bell, they waited for their bus. She could feel people stare at her and judging her, whispering as she would walk by. She wasn't in the mood to glare at those persons, so she just ignored them. Millie hadn't said a word since the first lesson, obviously lost in her thoughts. But before Sadie could get her attention, Olivia showed up, joining them.

-Hey., started the girl.

-Hi., answered Sadie.

-You said we would "talk later"., said Olivia.

-Oh, yeah. Alright, uhm..., tried Sadie but she didn't know what to say.

-Okay so-, started the other girl but got interrupted.

-I'm sorry I killed Jenna. I'm so sorry Olivia. I thought you hated me, and that you would want to visit me to blame me and yell at me, which I would totally understand., blurted the younger girl out.

Millie just stood there next to Sadie, listening to their conversation.

-Sades, it's not your fault. We were all drunk. I convinced her to come with us. If it's anyone's fault, it's mine., confessed Olivia.

-No, Liv, you weren't the one driving the car that got her killed. I killed her. I should have stopped the car, like she asked me to, before she grabbed the wheel and turning it., replied the younger teenager.

-Sorry to interrupt, but our bus is here and if we miss it, we'll have to wait for another hour., explained Millie.

She looked at her foster sister, who was looking somewhere behind them.

-Mills?, asked Sadie.

-Hm?, replied the girl not turning around.

Sadie turned around, following her gaze, seeing Lilia talking to some boy, who seemed to be a bit older. They were both glaring at Sadie, continuing to whisper and talk. The boy nodded, agreeing to something that Lilia had said. The girl quickly came back to herself poking Millie's cheek.

-The bus., said Sadie trying to distract her foster sister.

Millie nodded, making the older girl quickly wave at Olivia. The friend was just smiling stupidly, which she ignored. They got on the bus, but Sadie saw that mysterious guy following them. He then got in the bus and sat in the back of the bus, Sadie following him with her eyes. Millie was sitting and pulled Sadie down when the bus started, not wanting her to fall or get hurt. Sadie tried relaxing and forgetting about the boy, listening to Millie talk about a song that was playing on the radio, but she couldn't help it. She looked back, the boy looking her in the eyes. Thankfully, Millie didn't notice him following them.

-Sades?, said Millie clearly confused.

-Yes?, replied the girl sitting normal again.

-What are you doing?, asked the younger teenager.

-Don't worry., answered Sadie.

-Ok. So, thoughts about your first day?, continued Millie.

-It was alright. Didn't expect Olivia to be in our class. Emma seems like an okay person, especially because she dislikes Lilia as much as I do., started the older girl.

-Yeah, about that, thank you for standing up for me., thanked the other teenager looking out the window.

-Of course. You're my friend. No one, messes with my friends. I could have done more, but you know, if I would let loose, it wouldn't end well for her., explained Sadie.

-Yeah. You really know how to protect people. But I do wonder why you didn't stop her from slapping you. I know that you could have stopped her hand from touching you, so why didn't you?, asked Millie obviously curious.

-Well, she would know that I could hurt her if I wanted to and use that against me, oh and the principal would have believed her if she said that I had hurt her wrist or something like that, so yeah., admitted the older teenager.

-Yeah, you seem to have spent a lot of time in his office., chuckled the younger girl smiling at her foster sister.

-You have no idea., scoffed Sadie.

-So, you know Miss Ryder?, asked the other teenager.

-Yeah, she was my teacher last year as well., she explained.

-Oh okay, nice., replied Millie.

The bus ride was long, so the girls kept talking about school and homework, nothing out of the ordinary. But of course, Sadie constantly looked back at that unknown boy, keeping an eye on him. He didn't even try to hide that he was looking at her, he just continued staring when Sadie's eyes would meet his, but the girl didn't let herself show any sign of fear. His intentions clearly weren't good, so she knew she had to be careful and cautious but also not be that obvious, not wanting Millie to panic or get scared.

Sadie could easily take care of the boy, but she wasn't allowed to touch other people, no physical contact allowed. Except for her foster family of course. Suddenly the bus stopped, and Millie stood up, grabbing her backpack, making a movement with her head for Sadie to follow her. The bus had stopped in the middle of nowhere. There were just trees around, the street separating a forest, but surprisingly, that was also a bus stop and the way home for Sadie and Millie.

The girls climbed off the bus, but they weren't the only ones. Sadie saw the boy climb off the bus, just looking at them and waiting for the bus to leave. 

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: hello, i havent updated in a while. seasonal depression decided to pay me a visit xd. anyways, hope y'all are doing okay! love ya, bye 

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