chapter 22:

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-God. I'm going to kill him., sighed the girl, taking her phone out and angrily typing.

They had math class, not that's what matters. Sadie couldn't stop thinking about how their next class was P.E.. She used to love it, being able to show off her athletic skills, but it was different now. She had bruises and scars that she wouldn't want to explain to any curious girls in the locker room. Of course Millie had respected her and only asked about the scar on her shoulder, which she didn't mind cause whether she liked it or not, it was now part of her story. She then realized that Millie also has bruises. Her gaze drifted to Millie as she observed her. How did she manage to be that brave and let everyone in the locker room see what she's been done to. She sighed and looked down. She would just play tough as she always does and go through it with her head held high. 

The bell finally rang. They got up, since they had a ten minute break.

Sadie got up and was obviously followed by her friends. Millie and Olivia walked with her while Emma mumbled angry things at her phone, still texting someone. Olivia finally spoke.

-So, are you gonna tell me what happened yesterday?, asked the brunette, looking at her friend.

-Oh. Yeah, okay. How about we go sit down on those benches in front of the school to talk about it? I don't people overhearing., suggested Sadie, nodding.

-Yeah, works for me., smiled Olivia.

-Am I allowed to join or should i just...leave?, asked Millie, avoiding gazes.

-I don't see why you shouldn't join., replied Olivia, shrugging.

-Okay., nodded Millie, who was mostly asking Sadie if she wanted her there.

Emma just followed them blindly, still on her phone and angry typing. They walked outside to a bench and sat down, Emma just standing by the bench cause she was pacing around every now and then, still texting.

-Okay, I'm listening., said Olivia as she turned to show Sadie that she had her full attention.

-Well, Corey came after me after school because he thought that I bullied his sister, Emma. He wasn't all too happy about that and tried to actually lowkey kill me. I mean, he stabbed me., said Sadie, lifting her t-shirt slightly to show Olivia the bandage.

-Wait what? But why would he think that?, asked the brunette.

-Cause Lilia told him that. She obviously just wanted him to come after me. But having a knife at school is a little extreme. I mean, he had to have had it at school since he followed us from the school in the bus and then got out at our bus stop., explained Sadie as she looked at Olivia.

-Oh. God, that Lilia girl is some real trouble, huh? I'm so sorry that this happened to you, Sades. Wait, where were you while all of this was going on?, wondered Olivia as she looked at Millie who had been staring at the floor ever since the conversation started.

-I went to get help. I ran home and got my mom. She drove us to Sadie and we managed to get Sadie out of the forest before he would have hurt her again., explained Millie, not looking up.

Olivia hugged Millie.

-Thank you for helping her., said the brunette as she then pulled away with a soft smile.

Millie looked up at her with a light smile and nodded.

-Yeah. No need to thank me. I got her back., replied Millie, now looking at Sadie.

-Hey, do I not get a hug? That's mean, Liv., pouted Sadie as her friend basically tackled her into a hug.

It made the redhead giggle, wrapping her arms around her friend. She needed that.

-I'm going to kill Lilia., said Emma as she stomped away.

Sadie immediately got up and walked after her.

-What happened?, asked the redhead, now joined by Olivia and Millie.

-She is spreading rumors around, how me and Millie are a thing., said the girl.

-What?, frowned Millie.

-I'll take care of it., said Sadie.

-No. If you get in trouble, you go back to juvie. If I get in trouble, I get send to detention. I'm gonna take care of that brat. We'll do it in P.E., replied Emma, looking at the girls.

-Why is she so obsessed with queer people? It's kind of suspicious if you ask me., said Olivia, getting looks from the girl.

-She's the straightest girl I have ever met., said Emma.

-Not so sure., shrugged Olivia.

-I mean, it would make sense. The internal homophobia must drive her insane enough to go after queer people in the school, thinking it could make her seem less queer. When I say queer, I mean people from the LGBTQIA+ community., replied Sadie, now siding with her new friend.

-Does she know that you're bi?, asked Olivia.

-Don't know. But I'll make sure that she knows. How about, we join our forces and make her gay-panic in the locker room. I mean, you guys are hot. So, she'll actually lose her mind if one of us were to get close to her or flirt with her. Don't you think? I mean, this doesn't include you, Liv, since you're straight., suggested Sadie, ending with a chuckle.

-Yeah. No, I want to join this. I don't care if I'm straight. Let's make her lose her actual mind. Be extra flirty towards her, throw her some looks, be touchy even but you know, keep it appropriate. We are not men. Or boys, I guess., said Olivia, looking at Sadie.

-I am a gentleman, what do you mean?, joked Sadie.

-Yeah, you're a softie. I know., replied her friend.

-Liv, for the last time, I am NOT a softie. It has been years. Get over iiiiiiiit., said the redhead.

-Get over what?, asked Millie, curiously.

-Hell no. If you tell her that, then I'll tell her about the fanta accident., warned Sadie, threatneing her best friend.

-Damn, okay. Sorry Millie, not story for you., chuckled Olivia, playfully punching Sadie.

-We should get going guys. I wanna be the first one in the locker room to get ready for the Lilia show., said Emma, walking away.

The girls followed her.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: a cute filler chapter

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