chapter 16:

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-You want to play?, wondered Sadie as she looked down at the little kid who started nodding.

Sadie nodded looking down as she heard quick footsteps approaching.

-Play?, said the little boy looking at Sadie for once.

-You want to play?, wondered Sadie as she looked down at the little kid who started nodding.

She moved aside but he started shaking his head.

-He needs to sit on someone's lap or else he won't reach every key., explained Millie amused by Sadie's confused expression.

-Oh okay, then hop on your sister buddy., smiled Sadie.

Sammy walked to Millie but whispered something in her ear. She giggled. Sadie would never admit it but she loved the sound of her soft pure giggles.

-He wants to sit on your lap., said Millie as she caught Sadie staring at her making her blush.

-Oh, uhm, alright., nodded the older girl as she put her hands around the boy's waist and placed him gently on her lap.

-Zank you., said the boy who for once smiled revealing his two front teeth missing.

Sadie couldn't help but smile as she saw the little boy that happy. He started playing, starting with some slow melodies but as he kept on going, he went faster and played more complex melodies, surprising the older girl. Millie watched the whole thing, smiling and finding it adorable how the tough Sadie Sink had sparkles in her eyes as she watched Sammy play. The kid went on playing for some time, so Millie sneaked away which Sadie didn't notice at first, too focused watching Sammy play like some Mozart 2.0.

-Dinner is ready!, screamed Grace on top of the music.

Sammy stopped playing, turned to face Sadie and smiled, showing all his teeth before running away giggling. Sadie got up from the little bench and walked to the kitchen. Everyone was at the table except for Millie.

-Sweetheart, could you go get your sister?, asked Grace to Sammy who was already eating his spaghettis, so he just shook his head no to which the mother sighed.

-It's okay, Grace, I'll go., said Sadie before Grace could even move to get her daughter.

-Oh, well thank you., smiled the foster mother as she looked up at the younger girl.

Sadie left the kitchen, walking to their shared bedroom, but what she didn't expect was that her foster sister was currently changing into her pyjamas. She opened her door, revealing the younger girl wearing her pants and a bra. Sadie didn't turn around though, she just pretended that it was totally normal, because for her it was normal. How many times did girls walk in on her changing in prison, or how many times did she have to shower naked with other cellmates? There was no privacy in juvie. Millie on the other hand just covered her whole body, or at least tried to do so, with her hands.

-Food is getting cold., said Sadie blankly.

-Can you please just turn around or get out?, replied the younger girl not wanting her to see her like that, but not because she was embarrassed of her body, but because of things that Sadie simply couldn't know about.

-Come on, we're going to be living in the same room for a while now. And I mean, it takes a lot more for me to get turned on then seeing you like that. Do you know how many girls I saw naked in juvie and even had- Wait? Mills, what's that?, asked the older girl as she walked up to Millie who was backing away.

-Sadie, get out., said Millie more firmly this time.

The older teenager of course didn't obey, and just walked up to her, grabbing Millie's wrists, and moving them away from the body she was trying to hide. Millie fought back, trying to cover herself again, but in vain. Strangely, Sadie had more strength than she looked like.

-L-Let me go, Sadie., stuttered the younger girl.

Sadie looked at Millie's belly and moved closer, going on her knees a bit to get a closer look. The younger girl could feel her foster sister's breath on her stomach. Suddenly, they heard loud and fast footsteps. Sadie quickly let go of Millie's wrists, made her turn around facing the closet and opened it.

-What's going on here? You've been gone for like 7 minutes Sadie., said the mother frowning.

-Sorry ma'am, I mean, Grace. Millie had a little accident, and she needs a new pyjama, but she was cold so she wanted to stay in her towel by her bed, but then I couldn't find anything that looked like a pyjama so yeah, here we are. I was trying to help her., lied Sadie trying to sound credible.

-Oh okay, well hurry up darlings, your food is starting to get cold., replied the mom nodding and walking out again.

Sadie turned Millie back around but subconsciously leaving her hands on the younger girl's waist. The younger teenager pushed her away harshly.

-Don't touch me like that ever again, in fact, don't touch me at all. Get out. I want you to stay the fuck away from me. Got it?, said Millie coldly.

-Okay, first of all, you don't talk to me like that and second, what the hell happened to your stomach? It looks like an elephant stomped on it. Mills, you have a huge bruise., replied Sadie who didn't fade by her friend's new tone.

-I told you to get out. Don't make me scream., warned the younger girl.

-Okay, okay. I'm going, but this conversation is far from over., replied Sadie walking away and closing the door, joining the others in the kitchen.

-Is she feeling a bit better?, asked the father worried.

-Hm? Oh, yeah, she's okay., answered Sadie as she sat down next to Grace.

-Will she be joining us?, wondered the foster mother looking at Sadie.

-Most likely, yes., nodded the teenage girl.

Millie then appeared, ignoring Sadie's look. Sadie was mad, it showed, but she was also worried about her and what she had seen. Millie was completely aware of it.

-Hey mom, after dinner, can I go for a walk? I need some fresh air., asked the younger girl.

-Yes, of course, but you're not going alone. Sadie, would you mind tagging along?, asked the foster mother.

-Not at all, Grace. We'll just need to be back before 9pm or else I'll get electric shocks due to the bracelet because I'm not home., agreed Sadie as she looked up at Millie with a dark look.

-How was school today?, asked the father joining in on the conversation.

-The usual., shrugged Millie eating while talking.

-Sadie?, asked the mother turning her attention to the foster kid.

-Pretty good. Got slapped by a girl, was sent to the principal's office but then he told me that it's just because he got the jury to agree that I don't need the policeman to follow me around. Oh yeah, I have a paper. I still have to give it to you., rambled the older girl.

-Wait, wait, wait, you got slapped?, asked the father looking at Sadie worried.

-Yes sir, but don't worry about it, I had the situation under control., replied the foster girl smiling.

-Who?, asked Grace.

- Lilia., replied Millie before letting Sadie talk.

- Lilia? Your best friend Lilia? Why would she do that to Sadie?, asked the mother confused.

-I already told you, mom, she's not my best friend anymore., said the younger girl.

-Yeah, yeah. You'll be back to being friends anyway. How many times did you two argue and then made up again? Countless of times, I'm sure this time is no different., replied Grace sure of her statement.

-She's homophobic, she called your daughter a dyke, so I stood up for her and called her out in front of the whole class, which made Miss Lilia angry, so she slapped me., admitted the older teenager as she finished to her meal.

-I'm going to kill you!, said Millie getting up and already walking to Sadie, but the girl of course didn't fade.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: random update and actually a pretty long update xd 

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