Chapter 42:

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-Okay, this is going to be a lot to process and I...I just want you to know that it is not a joke and that an investigation just opened about it., explained Sadie.

-Jenna. She's alive., nodded Olivia.

-What? How did you-, tried Sadie.

-I think I saw her., stated the brunette, looking at her friend.

Sadie just stared at her for a few seconds, trying to process what she just said. She shook her head and frowned.

-I'm sorry, did you just say that you saw her? Like, alive?, asked Sadie, thinking that she must have hallucinated it.

-Yes. I...I wasn't sure at first but I saw her. When we got out of the museum, there was this crowd of people. I was looking around to see if my mom had come and...I saw her, Sades. I saw Jenna. I thought it must have been the stress or the adrenaline making me imagine things but...I'm sure now. She was wearing a black-, explained Olivia.

-Black hoodie with her converse and the gnome socks., completed Sadie as she nodded and stared at her, trying to process.

-You saw her too?, asked Olivia with a light frown.

-Not directly. She came to see me in hospital when I was still unconscious. We have proof from the security cameras in the hallways. She left me flowers and a note. It was signed Matador. It was her handwriting, Liv., explained Sadie as she motioned the Iris bouquet.

-Iris. Her favorites., smiled Olivia lightly as she looked at them.

-Liv, I need to ask you a serious question., started Sadie, getting the other brunette's attention back.

-What is it?, asked Olivia as she looked back at the redhead.

-You went to her funeral, right?, wondered Sadie.

-Yes, I did. Why?, frowned the brunette as she tried to understand why Sadie was asking her that.

-It was a closed casket, wasn't it?, guessed Sadie with a sigh.

-It was. I found it odd since her parents had asked the mortician to make her presentable but the casket was closed at the funeral. I figured her parents had changed their mind. I didn't want to ask them., admitted Olivia, nodding as she thought back about the funeral she attended.

-Okay. Good. I need to tell that to Lilia's dad. He's opened up an investigation for us., explained the redhead as she grabbed her phone.

-Wait but where would she be? And why would she be hiding?, frowned Olivia, not understanding how any of this was possible.

-We don't know. What we do know is that the fucking cop who shot me bribed the mortician to stay quiet. He never saw Jenna's body. That casket for most likely empty., replied Sadie as she texted Lilia to tell her dad about Olivia's answer to the closed casket question.

Olivia sighed and looked at the flowers again. She got up and walked up to them, touching the petals.

-Can I see the note?, asked Olivia, still looking at the flowers.

-I gave it to Lilia's dad to add to the evidence. I think Millie took a picture of it though., said the redhead.

Olivia hummed and kept looking at the flowers. She then frowned a little, picking a petal out. 

-Sades?, said the brunette with a shaky voice.

-Yeah., replied Sadie as she finally looked up from her phone.

Olivia turned around and handed the petal to Sadie. The redhead frowned, confused on what was going on. She looked at the petal and froze.

-4? She wrote the number 4 on a petal? And a little 6 at the corner?, frowned Sadie as she got up from her bed with a groan. 

She walked over to the flowers and looked for more petals. She frowned a little, finding more number. Three of them to be precise.

-230913. What does that even mean?, asked Olivia as she stood next to Sadie and watched her put the numbers in the right order with the order indicated by the small numbers written in the corner of each petal. 

-I have no idea. But she's trying to tell us something. The number doesn't sound familiar though., sighed Sadie.

-Coordinates?, wondered Olivia.

-I think this is too short of a number for it to be coordinates., replied the redhead.

There was a knock at the door. Sadie turned around, make herself look big to hide the petals. Olivia joined her.

-Come in!, said Sadie loud enough for the person to hear her.

Millie walked in and saw the two standing in front of the desk. She closed the door behind herself and looked at the two.

-What are you doing?, asked the younger brunette.

Sadie sighed in relief when she saw that it was just Millie. Her shoulders dropped and she looked at Olivia.

-It's okay. She can know., said the redhead.

-I can know what?, questioned Millie as she walked up to them.

Sadie and Olivia moved away from the desk for Millie to see the numbers written on the petals.

-230913?, asked Millie with a confused expression.

-Jenna wrote that. We don't know what it means though., sighed Sadie as she explained. 

She sat down on her desk defeated.

-I'm gonna google it., said Olivia, taking her phone out and googling the number.

She shook her head.

-Just shows me random items on Amazon., sighed the older brunette.

Millie was just staring at the numbers, frowning a little. She was trying to understand the number and their order. She even tried to figure out if it spelled something if you counted the letter in the alphabet. But it was just gibberish CDAJBD. Random letters as well. She turned around and looked at Sadie and Olivia. 

-Maybe it's a code? Does she have a safe hidden somewhere? Or a code to building? A code to a phone or computer?, suggested Millie with a shrug.

-I do have her phone. Her mother wanted me to keep it since she has countless of pictures on the phone., explained Olivia with a small smile, feeling like they finally figured it out.

-No. Her phone's password was her dog's birthday. 19 12 11., replied Sadie with a sigh.

-How do you know that?, asked Olivia.

-She asked me to call her mom that night so I had to ask for her password., explained the redhead, shaking her head.

-Guys, that could be it. A date., said Millie as she looked at the numbers.

-That makes no sense, 23 isn't a month., chuckled Sadie with her American mindset.

-Yes, except that everyone except the US writes the day before the month. Didn't you say that her password was 19 12 11? 19th of December 2011. She uses the day before the month., explained Millie with a smile and bright eyes.

-So for those number it would be-, started Sadie.

-23 09 13. It's the 23rd of July 2013., completed Olivia as she looked at Sadie and Millie.

-Now we just have to figure out what happened on that day., added Millie with a shrug.

-How? That was like almost 10 years ago., sighed Olivia.

-I...I used to write diaries. I spent most of my summer of 2013 with you and Jenna., admitted Sadie, looking down.

-Where are your diaries?, asked Millie with a soft smile now.

-At my parent's old house., sighed the redhead, shaking her head.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: hi! this was a funny chapter to write xd! lets see if anyone can figure out what happened on the 23rd of July 2013

For love is the best of healers // +Sillie+حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن