chapter 4:

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Then Millie stopped in front of a door.

-So, behind this door is my room. My room, my rules, got it?, said Millie.

-Yes, of course., replied Sadie seriously.

Millie couldn't keep a straight face and started laughing.

-I'm joking. It's our room, you do whatever you want in it. All the things that are in there are ours, okay? Not mine, but ours., explained the girl smiling shyly.

-Okay., replied Sadie not showing any reaction.

Millie opened the door, let Sadie walk in first and then followed her. There were two beds, which relieved Sadie. She looked around, loving the way the room was decorated. It fit perfectly with the way Millie looked like, which Sadie found amusing. She feels comfortable in the room. The room had a bookshelf, but there were barely any books on it. There were just tons of vinyls. Next to it was a wall with some picture of Millie and probably friends of hers. She stopped at one picture and noticed that Millie was standing in front of Sadie's school. Something got into her, she decided to stop acting like a lost puppy but be more confident and tough. She knew that if she didn't change now and build some walls, she wouldn't make it through her second chance in life. She literally let Millie make fun of her, so imagine what could happen when she's back in school and a bully decides to target her as their new victim. She couldn't let that happen. She needed to protect herself and not only physically. Her happiness disappeared 3 months ago; she didn't feel like she could ever get it back. She had to show that she's not afraid. She turned around to face Millie, looking as serious and tough as she possibly could, trying to intimidate the younger girl by looking her up and down, which seemingly worked, because poor Millie looked like a tomato.

-You go to the same school as me?, asked Sadie with no emotion in her tone.

-Uhm, yeah, we're going to be in the same class., explained the girl avoiding Sadie's gaze.

-I see., replied Sadie turning back to the pictures.

She noticed that there was a blank space. Her first though was to look in the trashcan, finding a ripped picture. That missing picture intrigued Sadie, so she turned back to Millie who made the mistake to make direct eye contact with Sadie. Sadie smirked but shrugged it off.

-What's that?, asked Sadie as pointed at the trashcan.

-A trashcan., replied Millie too sassily for Sadie's liking.

Sadie raised an eyebrow and didn't break the eye contact.

-I don't...I don't want to talk about it., explained Millie backing off and sitting on what Sadie assumed was Millie's bed.

-Okay., answered Sadie with a soft tone.

Sadie grabbed her bag and put it on the other bed. As she opened it, she stopped moving. Her clothes of the night of the accident were in there. It was all that Sadie had left. The clothes of the day she killed one of her closest friends. The only reminder of her old life were clothes. Clothes that she wants to burn. Millie noticed that Sadie wasn't moving, so she stood up from her bed and walked over to the taller redhead. She noticed the clothes in the bag with blood. She quickly understood what it was from and knew that she had to do something to make Sadie look away. She gently put her hand on Sadie's chin, made her look her in the eyes. Sadie grabbed her wrist, stopping the younger girl. She then let go of her wrist, not wanting to hurt her and get in trouble. Millie sighed and let her hand drop, taking Sadie's hand in her own. She didn't break the eye contact with Sadie while doing so. Millie gently rubbed Sadie's hand. Suddenly, it was as if Sadie had woken up. She brutally took her hand back, grabbed Millie's wrist again and pulled her closer, bringing her own fist close to Millie's head, which made the younger girl gasp. Sadie was fortunately able to stop herself from punching the younger girl. She let go of her wrist, letting her other hand drop on Millie's shoulder.

-Please don't do that again., asked Sadie again with a softer tone in her voice but still sounding threatening and serious.

-Yes, okay, I'm sorry., apologized Millie quickly.

-You were trying to help me, which I appreciate. But I'm fine. I don't need your help. Can you just tell me where I can wash my clothes?, asked Sadie.

-I don't think the blood's going to disappear., explained Millie.

-I need to wash them. They're the only clothes I have., said Sadie firmly giving the younger girl goosebumps.

-Okay. Okay. Give them to me and I'll do it for you, alright?, suggested Millie.

-No! Just tell me where I can wash them., ordered Sadie raising her voice.

-Please calm down., said Millie shyly taking a step back.

-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get mad. I know it doesn't justify my behaviour, but I'm not used to this anymore., said Sadie looking down and taking her hand off Millie's shoulder.

The younger girl nodded, obviously understanding her reaction due to Sadie's past.

-Follow me., replied Millie. 

Millie let Sadie grab her bloody clothes and showed her the way, but they ran into Grace who threw them a questioning look.

-What are you girls doing?, asked the mother.

-I asked Millie to show me where I can wash my clothes., replied Sadie.

Grace looked at Sadie's bloody clothes and shook her head.

-The blood won't come off, honey., explained Grace.

-It will., said Sadie showing Grace that she's not afraid.

- Sadie, we need to throw those clothes away., tried Grace.

-No! They're all I've got left! You're not touching them!, said Sadie as she got worked up.

- Sadie, take a deep breath. No one wants to take anything from you, okay? You need to understand that we're here to help you and to support you and to take care of you. We all just want the best for you. But you also need to understand that you don't get to yell at me or at Dave or anyone under our roof. The blood will not come off your clothes. We'll throw them away. Okay?, said Grace calmly making sure to not look away as she locked eyes with the teenage girl.

-Okay. I'm sorry. I'm working on the yelling part., admitted Sadie looking down.

-We know., replied Millie who was standing behind her.

Sadie turned to Millie giving her full attention and looking at her with a softer expression than before.

-And we're glad. We want to keep you around for as long as possible., said Millie smiling.

Sadie nodded and turned back to Grace, who was reaching for the clothes. The teenager sighed and let them go, not wanting to fight over some dumb clothes.

-Millie, go to your room with her and look in your closet, alright?, demanded the mother.

Millie gave her mother a confused look, but Grace turned around and left with the clothes. The girl shrugged it off and walked back to her room, having Sadie following her. The girl opened the closet and looked at Sadie, who was obviously confused.

-She bought you clothes., smiled Millie.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: so this is officially a Sillie book! hehe, hope you enjoy reading it 

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