chapter 13:

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The girls climbed off the bus, but they weren't the only ones. Sadie saw the boy climb off the bus, just looking at them and waiting for the bus to leave.

-Do you trust me?, asked the older girl to her foster sister.

-Uh- yeah. Why?, replied Millie confused.

-Don't ask. Run., whispered Sadie.

-What's wrong? You're scaring me., said the other girl, the confusion turning into fear, making her heartbeat go faster by the second.

-Mills, run., repeated the older teenager firmly.

Millie frowned and turned around, seeing the boy who, at that precise moment, took a pocketknife out.

-Why aren't you running away too?, asked the younger girl to Sadie.

-Just trust me. Run. Go!, she ordered.

-But how will you find the way home?, said Millie while already backing off.

-I'll call you! Just go!, screamed Sadie.

-I'll come back with help, I promise!, replied the younger teenager, running off into the woods.

Sadie ran to the other side of the forest, the boy following her, proving that he's there for her and not Millie.

-Stop! Stay still!, screamed the boy.

-Screw you! Get away from me!, replied Sadie still running.

The redhead was running as fast as her body allowed her to, trying to avoid bumping into any trees or obstacles. She looked back to see if the boy was still following her. She could hear his fast breathing behind her so she ran faster. Sure, she knows how to protect herself, but fighting someone that you don't know with a knife would be far too dangerous. He could do things that Sadie couldn't predict. So she kept running.

Sadie's legs were slowly giving up as she suddenly slid down a path, but managed to stop herself from falling all the way down by holding onto a root of a tree. The boy, following her blindly, slid down as well, but couldn't stop so he kept sliding, sticking his knife out as he slid down past her. He swung his knife around, trying to hurt the girl and managed scratching Sadie's belly. The girl ignored the pain and managed to pull herself up. Sadie didn't think twice and ran back to the street, trusting that Millie had gone home to get help. As she got nearer to the street, she could hear footsteps behind her, meaning the boy had managed to get back up as well. She was desperate, standing on the side of the street, her hand on her belly, waiting for the help that Millie had promised. The fast footsteps sounded louder and nearer, until she saw a shadow. Fortunately, a car showed up.

-Get in!, ordered Grace as Millie opened the door of the car.

The boy heard the woman's voice and ran away, as Sadie got in the car. Grace drove off, as Millie held Sadie, not wanting the older girl to fall of her seat as the mother took off.

-Are you ok?, asked the young girl, letting go of her foster sister.

-I've had worse., replied Sadie chuckling.

-It's not funny., said Grace looking through the review mirror.

-Well, it's the truth though., answered the older teenager.

-Who was that boy?, asked the mother ignoring her latest statement.

-I have no clue., replied Sadie.

-Corey Fogelmanis, a boy that follows Lilia everywhere and would do anything she would ask her to do., explained Millie looking out the window.

-Makes sense. I saw her talking to him as we were waiting for the bus., confirmed the older teenage girl.

-You scared me., admitted the younger girl.

-I'm fine, Mills. Nothing happened., said Sadie, holding a groan in.

-Can I hug you?, asked Millie.

Sadie nodded, but didn't take her hand away from her belly, hiding the scratch that Corey had left with his pocketknife. Millie opened her arms and wrapped them around Sadie, squeezing the other girl and sighing. As she hugged her even tighter, Sadie groaned, feeling pressure on her wound. Millie let go of her and backed away.

-What's wrong?, worried the younger girl.

-Uh nothing, don't worry. I'm fine., replied the older teenager.

Millie noticed her hand on her stomach and frowned. Sadie shook her head, pleading her with her eyes not to say anything to Grace. The younger gently grabbed Sadie's hand, pulling it away from the wound. As she saw the blood on the shirt, she couldn't help but gasp.

-What? What's wrong?, asked the woman worried while looking through the review mirror.

-Nothing!, tried Sadie desperately, looking at her foster sister.

- She's bleeding mom., explained the younger teenager.

-Where? Is it a lot? Do we need to go to the hospital?, asked Grace driving faster.

-I'm fine, Grace. I promise. This is nothing. Let's just go home. I could get in trouble if they try to make up some story. I've had a lot worse., explained the older girl.

-That doesn't mean that this should be happening to you., replied Millie joining in.

-I know. Can we just go home now to put something on it? Do you have like a first aid kit at home with bandages and stuff?, asked Sadie slowly feeling weak as the pain started to be overwhelming.

-Yes, we do. Millie took lessons for first aid so she'll take care of you, while I'll have a little chat with your director to get the number of that boy's parents., ordered the mother while parking the car.

-No. Please Grace. If he ends up saying that I hurt him or that I had attacked him, and he hurt me in self-defence, I could risk returning in juvie. Please. I don't want to go back. I c-can't go back there., pleaded the older teenager as her voice started shaking.

-Ok. I understand. But I will call your lawyer and let her know, ok?, suggested Grace.

Sadie nodded, while Millie had climbed out the car and went to open Sadie's door to help her out.

The older girl put her arm around her foster sister's shoulder and leaned on her while walking in the house. Millie lead her to her bathroom, making her sit on the edge of the bathtub.  

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: I know its been a while since i updated this one but i couldnt log into the app where i wrote the 30 first chapters so yeah, sorry

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