chapter 30:

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My mom's on her way home and so is my dad. They want a family discussion. With you as well, Lilia., said Millie.

Sadie sighed and nodded.

-Fine. Did they say when they would arrived?, asked the redhead, looking at Millie.

-No, but they don't work far from here so they should be here soon., explained the brunette, looking at the main door.

-Alright. We have homework and we have to go to bed early cause of the museum visit tomorrow., replied the older girl, sitting down on the couch.

-You care about that stuff?, said Millie with a surprise tone, not having thought that someone like Sadie actually cared about school.

-Yeah. Why would I not?, asked Sadie, not understanding.

-Cause you went to juvie. People obviously think that it means that you give zero fucks about school., shrugged Lilia, joining in on the conversation.

-Well, I care about school because of juvie. Spending those few months in that cell made me realize that some things are more important than others. Academic skills are more useful for our future than anything else., replied Sadie, now looking at the two younger girls.

-Anything else?, asked Millie, not really knowing why nor comprehending what she was expecting as a response.

-Yeah. As much as we hate to hear it, school is our future. The only thing we can rely on is ourselves and our skills. If we mess school up, we mess our lives up. We all focus on things like friendships or relationships but we never realize that some are meant to be over eventually so the only lasting thing in our lives is us., continued Sadie, hearing a car pull over.

-Wow. Good to know that you care so little about those who care about you deeply., scoffed Millie, hearing the car as well and walking to the window. 

She saw her mother getting out.

-Come on. You can't blame me., tried the redhead.

-Forget it. Forget us., said Millie quickly as her mother made her way to the house, unlocking the door.

Sadie tried to reply to that but the mother was already inside.

-Hi mom., said the brunette as she was embraced the woman's arms.

-Hey sweetie. God, I leave for a bit and something like this happens. I'm so sorry. Are you girls okay?, asked Grace as she pulled away and looked at the three.

-Just fine., replied Sadie, nodding as a hello and then walking back to the living room.

Grace found that reaction odd so she looked at her daughter.

-Is she okay?, asked the woman.

-You heard her. Just fine., replied Millie, shrugging.

-Okay then. We'll wait for your father to arrive and then we'll talk. I'll make you girls some tea. Go to the dining table., said Grace, talking to Millie but also the other two teenagers.

Sadie got up from the couch and walked to the table, simply sitting down without saying a word. She was joined by Lilia, Millie staying with her mom and helping her out.

-You didn't mean that, right?, asked Lilia.

-What?, sighed Sadie, not even bothering to look at her.

-About friendships and relationships., elaborated the blonde girl.

-Well yeah, I do mean it. I mean, I'm aware that this isn't forever and that's okay., shrugged the redhead, now looking at her.

-You can't say that. That hurts people's feelings., said the younger girl.

-It's the truth. Sorry if the truth hurts., replied Sadie, still not caring.

-You hurt Millie. I hope you're aware of it. She doesn't trust easily but if you ever break that trust or hurt her, you'll be begging for her to take you back. Trust me, I speak from experience., tried Lilia.

-I was just being honest. Everything is temporary., replied the redhead once again.

-So why bother start something if you think it will have an end?, asked the blonde girl curiously.

-Because I want to have some fun in my life., scoffed Sadie.

-Wow. You're a real bitch., said Lilia without hesitation.

-I'm sorry, what?, frowned the redhead looking at the younger girl.

-You're a real bitch. You just want to have some fun with Millie, and once you feel like you're satisfied, you'll leave her or what? Is that your plan? Hm? You just show up in people's lives, make them care about you and the second they get too close, you get scared and run away? Is that it? I thought you were brave for standing up for others but it's just a facade. You're a coward., replied the blonde girl, not caring that Sadie what glaring at her.

-I'm not a coward. I'm not scared., said Sadie in a warning tone.

-Yeah, you are. You're scared of getting hurt so if someone gets too close or if you ever feel vulnerable around someone, you shut off and run away from them. You are too scared to let anyone in. That is so sad, Sadie. Honestly, I feel bad for you because I know how lonely it gets when you do that., sighed Lilia as Millie and Grace joined them.

Grace put the tea on the table.

-What are you girls talking about?, asked the mother.

-Homework., replied Sadie quickly before Lilia could have said anything.

-Oh. Okay., nodded the woman, not fully convinced.

The father was finally unlocking the door and joined them at the table, not even wasting time on taking his shoes off. 

-So, what happened?, asked Grace.

-We recorded everything. Here., said Sadie, handing them her phone.

They listened and watched to the recording, not understanding what lead to that situation.

-Why did they do that?, asked the father.

Sadie knew it wasn't her place of telling them that part so she looked at Millie who wasn't sure if she wanted to let them know about everything.

-It's my fault. I had been bullying Millie for a few weeks because those girls pressured me into do it, then when I fought back and refused to hurt her anymore, they started hurting me themselves and I let them until I met Sadie who is now somewhat protecting me from them. They caught me alone though and then followed me here. I just came her because Sadie promised to help me. I'm sorry Mrs and Mr Brown, I never meant to hurt Millie. I was scared. I didn't know how to ask for help and now because of me, they also trashed your garden, almost breaking into the house and hurting us all over again., said the blonde girl, staring at the table, not daring to look up at the parents' eyes.

-Lilia?,said Grace, but the girl did not move nor did she look up at her.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: hello! I know its been a quite long time but hey, at least im updating instead of studying haha, kill me. I have a philosophy test tomorrow and I don't know shit!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO fun. anyways, STREAM WARRIOR NUN! BYE

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