Chapter 43:

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-23 09 13. It's the 23rd of July 2013., completed Olivia as she looked at Sadie and Millie.

-Now we just have to figure out what happened on that day., added Millie with a shrug.

-How? That was like almost 10 years ago., sighed Olivia.

-I...I used to write diaries. I spent most of my summer of 2013 with you and Jenna., admitted Sadie, looking down.

-Where are your diaries?, asked Millie with a soft smile now.

-At my parent's old house., sighed the redhead, shaking her head.

Olivia frowned and sat down on the bed.

-Isn't your old house being destroyed next week? Since they're building that parking lot?, asked Olivia, looking at Sadie.

Sadie nodded and looked at Millie. 

-I can't go there until I'm out of here. It might be too late by then. You guys need to go., said the redhead.

-Are we even allowed to go in there?, asked Millie.

-Probably not. That's why Lilia is going with you guys. If you get in trouble, she'll contact her father., explained Sadie with a sigh.

-Where are your diaries?, asked Olivia, getting up now.

-My room. There's a loose floorboard next to my nightstand. The dates are always written on the first pages of the diaries. Just...No snooping. You look for summer 2013. Nothing else. Okay?, replied the redhead, looking at the two and showing them that she was serious. 

-Of course. You have our word., nodded Millie with a soft smile.

-Okay. You should go now. It's Sunday. No one will be there. Go. Call Lilia and go., said the redhead as she sat down on her bed and got under her blanket.

Millie looked at Olivia, who nodded. They walked out of the room together and went downstairs.

-You know where her house is, right?, asked Millie.

-Yeah. How are we getting there though?, sighed Olivia as they walked down the stairs.

-Lilia. She has a car and driver's license. She passed her test a few weeks ago., replied Millie as she took her phone out.

She dialed her ex best friend's number and waited for a bit. She then heard her voice.

-Hey Millie. Are you okay?, asked the girl immediately.

-No. Pick Emma up and meet us at the hospital again., said the brunette without any further explanation.

-I am with Emma. We'll be at the hospital in 10 minutes., replied Lilia as Millie could hear her moving and walking.

-Okay. We'll wait at the lobby. Text me when you're out front., said Millie as she then hung up. 

She looked at Olivia and nodded.

-She'll pick us up in 10. Let's go to the lobby., explained the younger brunette.

Olivia nodded and kept walking with her. They took the elevator and went to the lobby. They sat down on a little couch as they waited. That was until they saw a familiar face. Officer Philip Darwins. Millie looked away immediately, leaning closer to Olivia and whispering.

-That's the cop. Remember? What is he doing here?, questioned Millie with a whisper.

Olivia looked up and saw the man at the reception. He looked pale and worried. He was trying his hardest to seem composed but Olivia noticed his hand on his holster and his tense body. She frowned a little.

-Text Sadie. Is your mom still upstairs?, asked Olivia.

-Yeah. I'll call my mom and tell her to stay with Sadie in her room., replied the brunette.

Olivia nodded, agreeing to it. Millie got up and walked a little further away, not wanting the officer to hear her talking to her mom. Olivia kept an eye on him. She could tell that he was nervous about something. He then got a phone call. She watched as he pulled his phone out and picked up quickly. He started whisper-yelling into his phone. She couldn't decipher many words. But she did catch something. "Find her." She frowned a little. Did he mean Sadie? Or...did he mean Jenna? Is he also looking for Jenna? He then looked at her and stopped talking to whoever was on the line. Olivia didn't break the eye contact. She hated his guts and she would let him know. He walked away and out of the lobby, going outside. Her eyes followed him until he was out of sight. Millie came back and sat down next to her again.

-I warned my mom and Sadie. The cop upstairs will keep a closer look on things., reassured Millie.

She then looked at the reception, not seeing the man anymore.

-Where did officer Darwins go?, asked the brunette.

-He left. But Millie, he got a phone call. He said the words "find her". I don't know if he's after Sadie or if he's also looking for Jenna because he knows that she's alive., said Olivia with a frown, looking at Millie.

-Sadie is safe. And we will find Jenna, okay? No matter how long it's gonna take., replied Millie with determination.

Olivia sighed and nodded. Millie got a text and got up. 

-Lilia and Emma are here. Let's go., said the brunette.

Olivia got up as well and followed Millie out to a car. They got in, greeting their friends.

-Hey. What's up? What's the emergency?, asked Lilia as she turned back to look at them.

-Does Emma know about everything?, questioned Millie before giving anything away.

-Yes, Lilia told me about Jenna., nodded Emma.

-Okay. We need to drive to Sadie's house. We need to go through her diaries and find out what happened on July 23rd 2013., explained Olivia as she typed down the address in her gps.

-Okay, lead the way., said Lilia with a nod.

Olivia started giving her directions, making sure they're going the right way. She felt her stomach drop a little when she saw her friend's house appear. Lilia pulled over and the girls got out. Millie looked at the house, raising her eyebrows. It was actually a pretty big house. She hadn't expected such a neat house. They walked up to it but it was locked. Olivia walked up to a plant and started digging. The others watched her confused until she showed them a key. She walked up to the door, unlocking it. She opened the door and walked in. The girls followed her, as she lead the way to Sadie's room. She sighed a little, hesitating to open the door. She eventually turned the knob and walked in.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: uh oh! hehe, I should be studying but im writing instead...whoopsies 

For love is the best of healers // +Sillie+Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora