Chapter 41:

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Slowly but surely, everyone gathered in Sadie's hospital room. Her lawyer, the captain of their town's precinct, Millie's mother, Lilia and Millie. Olivia was still on her way to the hospital, unaware of what her friend was about to reveal to her.

-Okay, talk. What is this about?, asked Lilia's father, the chief of police.

-I...I think I may have proof that Jenna might still be alive., stated Sadie, looking at him.

-Jenna? The girl who died last year?, frowned the cop.

-Yes sir., nodded Sadie.

-Explain., said her lawyer as she finally sat down on a chair.

-Okay, just listen. Someone came into my room while the officer outside was asleep. They left these flowers to me with a note. In the note, the person signed as Matador. I used to call Jenna that. It was an inside joke that only me, Olivia and Jenna knew about. And I recognize the handwriting. She wrote her A's weirdly and her g's looked like j's. The flowers, they're Irises. Those were not only her favorite flowers but these weren't bought someone. Look. It was has roots. They pulled them out of the ground. Jenna wouldn't be able to pay for flowers since people around here would recognize her from all the TV news and newspapers. On top of it all, these pictures. The person who come in here is precisely her height and size. She is wearing her black converse shoes that she wore on that night. And the socks- Those socks, she got them for herself and for me. We had matching socks. Millie's mother called the mortician and he confirmed that officer  Philip Darwins had paid him to keep his silence. He never saw Jenna's body. There was no autopsy. Her funeral was a closed casket., rambled Sadie, feeling as if she was going insane for a second there.

Then there was silence. Everyone was just staring at her, trying to process the information.

-The..The mortician?, said the lawyer.

Sadie nodded and was about to speak but then Lilia's father interrupted her.

-Okay. What you just told us is going to stay in this room. Do you understand? No one can know about this. If officer Darwins is a dirty cop, he cannot know about this. I will start an investigation in private. I will personally take care of it. Give me the pictures and the note. I will start by getting the mortician's testimony. I will need to talk to someone who was at her funeral to confirm that it was a closed casket. Someone who won't go telling anyone else about it., said the captain.

-Olivia. She's my friend and was Jenna's best friend., explained Sadie.

-She was at the funeral?, asked the man.

-Yes sir. And she is on her way here., added the redhead quickly.

-Perfect. I will start with her then., nodded the man.

Millie walked up to him and handed him the pictures and the note. He put them in a plastic bag and then in his pocket. 

-Sadie, if she's alive, your judgment would have been wrong in court., explained the lawyer.

-I know. But I don't care. I just want to find her., sighed Sadie.

The woman nodded and got up. She handed a card with her information to the chief of police and then walked out of the room. Grace sighed and looked at the girls.

-You can't ever catch a break, hm?, said the woman.

-We're okay, mom., replied Millie.

-Alright. We should let you girls rest., said Grace as she walked out of the room as well with Lilia.

Sadie stopped the captain though.

-Sir, Olivia isn't aware of this. Can I talk to her before you do?, wondered the redhead.

-You can. How about you ask her yourself and then send my daughter a text to confirm it. Sounds good?, asked the father.

-Sounds great. Thank you., nodded the redhead as she watched him walk out as well.

Millie looked at Sadie with a light smile, sitting down next to her as the redhead sat up.

-We need to talk., said the brunette.

-I still stand by what I said, Millie. If we act on how we feel, I could end up in trouble., stated Sadie with a sigh.

-I know. I know that. I just...I guess I still want to stay friends. I may like you Sadie, but I also know that I need you around. So if friends is what you want or what you need, then okay. I'll be your friend., nodded Millie with the same smile.

-You mean that?, asked the redhead.

-I do., answered Millie truthfully.

-I...I didn't want to give you false hope so I never said anything but...I wanna look for a job and apply for a program that will help me find a little studio where I can live in. If I'm no longer under your parents' roof, I don't see why we wouldn't be able act on our feelings?, admitted Sadie, looking at Millie.

-So still do want us happen?, frowned the younger girl.

-I do. I like you. But I can't let anything happen while I live with you., explained the redhead quickly.

-Okay. Okay, I can wait., smiled Millie.

The door opened and Olivia walked in. She looked at the two, smiling when she saw her friend awake. She walked up to her and hugged her.

-Hi Liv., smiled Sadie.

-Hey, Sades. Hi, Millie., replied Olivia with the same smile.

Millie got off the bed and look at Sadie.

-I'll leave you two alone., said the brunette, walking out and closing the door.

Olivia frowned, confused on why Millie left so suddenly as she had just arrived. She looked at Sadie.

-Is she mad at me or something?, asked the brunette.

-No, no. Not at all. I just...I need to talk to you about something pretty serious. Please sit down., explained Sadie with a sad smile.

-What? Are you okay? Is it your wound? Are you in danger? Are they throwing back in juvie? I swear I will fight anyone for-, rambled Olivia as she got increasingly more worried about her friend.

-Liv, just sit down and let me talk., chuckled the redhead.

Olivia nodded and sat down on the chair next to the bed. 

-Okay, this is going to be a lot to process and I...I just want you to know that it is not a joke and that an investigation just opened about it., explained Sadie.

-Jenna. She's alive., nodded Olivia.

-What? How did you-, tried Sadie.

-I think I saw her., stated the brunette, looking at her friend.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: im alive! I know, I know. its been way too long. 8 months...BUT I finally have the motivation to write! and I somewhat know what I want to happen in this book. I'm scratching the idea of starting a sequel, I'll just keep writing on this one instead! but yeah, I will try to start updating more often! (if anyone still reads this ofc...)

For love is the best of healers // +Sillie+Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt