Chapter 50 - Battle

Start from the beginning

Altogether it was a pathetically small army, but that was the point. The most dangerous weapon one could hold against their enemy was to be underestimated by them.

Signaling for the dryad to clear a passage, their group made their way through the trees, right up till they could see the road. Not a single one of them left the safety of the tree line just yet, knowing that the moment they did, the Emperor's men could strike them down. Catalina remained at the back, out of range in case they used some sort of magic to dismiss her, but close enough to be able to return to the Mansion if they suddenly needed reinforcements. 

The road to new Ashbury melded from dirt to brick, with potted plants aligning the entryway and decorative bushes leading towards the boom town. A few half-finished buildings were located just off the road, with people having grown less fearful of the Forest of Death over the years. Smoke came from the chimneys as the sun rose higher into the sky.

As Catalina had warned, nearly a hundred guards were standing along the roads. Some were preventing construction workers from doing their job, chasing them away, and keeping the shops closed too. They were making sure the roads would remain clear for the emperor's army to arrive, which looked like would only be another ten minutes or so.

Cain turned and made sure the dryad was prepared, and then waited until he saw the first platoon coming down the road. It was a sea of metal as the knights stood in perfect rows, swords drawn and ready. Their faces were hidden under their helmets, and right when they were at the notch in the road, the whole platoon stopped.

Cain was standing visibly between two enormous oak trees. His men were just within the boundary of the forest behind him, hidden among the bushes as they watched the emperor's army split in half and make room for the Emperor himself.

The man rode up to the edge of the road on a large, white steed covered in silver war armor. The Emperor himself had a matching set, though his blue tabard reflected the Royal Family Crest, engraved in gold and featuring stripes with a crowned lions' head surrounded by olive branches. His face was likewise hidden under his helmet as he waited for Cain to make the first move.

With one last glance over his shoulder, he stepped out from the safety of the trees. As he did, the Emperor dismounted and went to meet him midway. Once they were within hearing distance, the man removed his helmet first.

Cain had already met the Emperor a few times thanks to his invites. The Emperor did not look his age and had streaks of white along the sides of his dark, curly hair. As a matter of fact, he looked like a slightly older version of the Crown Prince.

In return, Cain reached up and removed his own helmet, revealing his face for the first time to the man. Unfortunately, he didn't have time to put much makeup on, so he looked a little less healthy than he should have but refused to lower his gaze.

"Lord Wolf Brooks." The Emperor started, his voice steely. "To think I had shared meals with a traitor."

"It doesn't have to be this way." Cain retorted. "Tell your men to go home and we can talk about this more civilly. After all, the true problem was your son, the Crown Prince-"

"My son was an eager fool, but not a traitor. He did not deserve to die, and you know that the penalty for murdering a member of the noble family is execution, as is assisting the enemy during wartime. There is no more room for civil discussion. You know you are outnumbered, and we have come prepared to deal with that forest of yours."

"You believe that? Your son was planning to continue his invasion of Chalot! He was undermining you every step of the-"

"I will not stand here and listen to your lies anymore! I had hoped you'd listen to reason and pay for your crimes as the civil man I'd come to know. But apparently, that was also a lie. So I believe we are done here." He raised a hand and a reaction went through the whole platoon behind him. They all clanked their weapons, which seemed to signal the guards around town to start breaking windows and pulling the citizens of New Ashbury from their homes.

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