her innocence

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You stood in complete shock, thinking about what you have just done. You dropped the sword, that was covered in blood along with your hands as well. You finally done it, you finally killed the one person who tormented everyone, harassed everyone, hurt everyone and so much more. You ended Chico's life once and for all..but you couldn't help but feel guilty, and scared.

You burst into tears as you fell to your knees, letting all your emotions out as you looked at the body in front of you. You scooted yourself against the wall, bringing your knees to your chest as you hugged yourself. You couldn't believe it, but at least nobody had to suffer anymore.

" y/n?" You heard, it was Marcus. You were nervous of what he would think, or even say. Of course, he hated Chico more than anything. But you weren't sure of how he'd react once he saw the body of his former enemy. He came over to you, but stopped once he saw everything. He looked at the body, then the bloody sword, and finally put his attention on you.

" precious.." he whispered, slowly sitting down next to you," look at me, please." He spoke again, you brought your head up and made eye contact with him. His heart broke a little seeing you so upset, and hurt. He brought his hand up and wiped some of your tears away, before pressing a soft kiss on your forehead.

" I'm so sorry.." you mumbled, moving yourself into his chest as you continued to cry. He frowned as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you more closer, holding you tightly." I just didn't want anyone to get hurt anymore.." you mumbled again, gripping onto his shirt. Marcus's heart shattered hearing your voice. He loved you so much and one of the things he adored the most was how soft and innocent you were, you're the one who kept everyone safe from any harm. So it broke him seeing you like this..

" you did the right thing, precious." He assured you, but you didn't fully believe it. You just killed someone, for the first time ever.. and you felt guilty.

" then why does it hurt so much?," you asked, looking up at him." Why do I feel so guilty?" You added, starting to tear up again. You were the most precious thing to Marcus, he looked down at you with so much love and affection. You looked up at him begging for comfort and assurance..

" you've never hurt someone, baby. That's why it hurts so much." He admitted, and you just broke more.

" I'm so sorry.." you apologized, Marcus couldn't take it anymore. He pulled away and cupped your face, your faces were inches apart now. He leaned in slowly and pressed his lips against yours, you instantly melted into the kiss. Marcus was the one person who could comfort you and make you feel better about any situation, he had that affect on you.

" I love you, precious. You doing something like this would never make me feel any different about you, I love you more and more." He spoke, giving you a small smile.

" I love you, Marcus." You spoke so quietly, before pushing yourself back into his arms where he held you tightly again.



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