You're my girl

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You were currently crying into your pillow, due to the recent argument you and Marcus had. You didn't even care about the argument anymore, all you cared about was what he said to you. You knew he didn't intentionally mean to say it, but it still hit you deep.

" I wish I never met you.." it lingered all in your mind, just breaking you more. It hurt because you already struggled with depression, always felt like you weren't good enough for anyone. But of course, you overthought it.

To get your mind off things, you decided to go for a little walk. It was a bit late, but you could care less. You grabbed a hoodie and left the house, walking down the alley. But suddenly, you were grabbed harshly, pushed into a wall. You opened your eyes only to see Chico.. the schools most feared guy. The flirt. The one person you hated.

" it's just you and me, love." He smirked before caressing my face with his gross hands, a slightly moved my head though. As much as I was upset with Marcus right now, I really wish he was here.

Marcus's PoV

I was walking down the alley smoking a cigarette, just thinking about y/n and the whole argument. I can't even remember what we were fighting about but all I know is that I said something I regret more than anything, I said I wish I never met her. But that's not true, I'm so happy to have her in my life. She makes it better by just being here, she's my true happiness and makes me a better person. She's my soft side.

As I was walking past an alley, I seen from the corner of my eye two figures. I stopped for a moment, watching to see what was happening. But my straight face instantly turning into an angry one, it was Chico.. holding my girl against the wall. I could see the tears escaping her beautiful eyes, as he was touching her. I ran over and brought my fist up to punch him, knocking him to the ground.

Back to your POV ( sorry )

I felt tears fall from my eyes, as Chico just kept touching me. But before he could continue more, he was punched straight in the face. I looked over and seen Marcus with an angry look on his face, but I mentally thanked him for being here. He grabbed my hand roughly, pulling me away.

" Marcus, that hurts!" I winced at how tight his grip on my wrist was, he stopped and cupped my face, pulling me close to him with his forehead pressed against mine.

" You're my girl." He spoke, his lips very close to mine.

" Marcus." I mumbled.

" I'm sorry, precious. I never meant what I said, I'm glad I met you. You're my entire world, my everything. My heart belongs to you, okay? I love you." He said, and I didn't know I was still crying until he wiped a tear away with his thumb.

" I love you, Marcus." I whispered, and he quickly connected our lips. It wasn't soft, but it wasn't exactly rough either. But it was full of passion, he moved his hands down to my waist, pulling me closer to him. I wrapped mine around his neck, melting into the kiss. After a few minutes, we pulled away.

" you're my girl." He repeated.

" and you're my boy." I smiled.


Aww okay bye :)

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