i got you

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Cute imagine!


You were currently bawling your eyes out as you ran to the alley where Marcus would be, since that's where he hangs out to smoke sometimes. You just escaped Chico as he assaulted you and touched you, your mind never forgetting that moment. All you wanted was to be in Marcus's arms, safe and secured. When you got to the alley, you found him smoking against a wall. You ran over as tears poured down your face, not even caring to wipe them away. Marcus noticed your upset state and quickly threw the cigarette to the ground and opened his arms as you engulfed him tightly as you cried into his chest, letting all your emotions out.

" hey hey hey, what's wrong precious?" He asked, as he started rubbing your back to comfort you. You didn't answer, you just cried your heart out. He then pulled away and cupped your face, rubbing it with his thumb. " talk to me, baby." He whispered, but you still had so many tears.

" p-please just h-hold m-me." You cried, and that's exactly what he did. He pulled you back into him and wrapped his arms around your waist, securing you tightly. A few minutes later, you finally calmed down and stopped crying so hard.

" is something bothering you?" Marcus asked, still holding you close to him. You shook your head, even though it was partly true, you were still scared to tell him what had happened.

" did someone hurt you?" That question was enough to cause you to break down again, you immediately thought of what he did to you and how awful it was to have it in your head. Marcus knew and pulled away, cupping your face again. He had a look that seemed like he's ready to murder someone, it was a stern look.

" who hurt you, precious?" He asked, trying to be calm as he possibly could but you knew he was angry at the thought that someone hurt you and he wasn't there to protect you. Tears welled up in your eyes again, before you found courage to speak.

" c-Chico.." you mumbled. You could see his whole body just tense at the name, but he tried to stay calm for you. He brought you back into his chest as you hugged him tightly as you could, your tears wearing off.

" I'm not gonna let him touch you ever again, not anyone. I'm glad you came to me, baby. I'm always gonna protect you, even if I have to kill someone. Nobody touches my girl." He spoke, before leaving a soft kiss on your forehead. He then pulled away and planted his lips on yours, passionately.

" let's go home." He said after pulling away, and you two then left the alley and started walking along the sidewalk, Marcus holding you close to him. When you got home, you two cuddled until you fell asleep, safe in his arms.



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