hold you tighly

804 11 3

Warning ⚠️ - guns.


You were walking to the restroom since it was your time of the month ( yay ) and when you got in there, you did your business but after a few minutes you heard what was a gunshot sound. Next thing you know, people are screaming and crying as more shots fired throughout the school. You remained in the stall as you stood up on the toilet seat, your mind immediately wondering to your friends and Marcus.

You put your hand over your mouth as you heard the restroom door open, and footsteps walking inside. Your heart pounding as your tears fell from your eyes nonstop, you were terrified. You couldn't think straight, not without your heart breaking for your best friend saya and your boyfriend Marcus, along with his friends. You just tried to stay quiet as you possibly could.

Time skip

Your thoughts were interrupted by police entering the school and the intercom announcing it was safe to go, which they decided to let school end early. You slowly left the restroom and walked out, not seeing anyone in the halls. You crept down it to the doors, leading to the outside. You prayed they'd be there, you couldn't think the other possible way. When you got outside, you sighed in deep relief as you seen him. Saya ran up to you, giving you a bone-crushing hug.

" thank god, you almost gave me a heart attack!" She cried, as you lightly chuckled as you hugged her back. When she pulled away, she stood aside to let Marcus come up. You wasted no time clinging onto him, as he wrapped his arms around you tightly.

" thank god you're okay, precious." He whispered, before pulling away and smashing his lips on yours. You were very thankful you're all alive. You couldn't imagine a world without them.


Bad? I haven't updated in a few days.

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