Dont scare me like that

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Marcus's PoV

I stood looking over the bridge and into the night sky, looking at all the stars and the moon. I lit a cigarette before placing it in my mouth, taking a smoke. Not gonna lie, life has just been too much. Everything just feels heavy, everything hurts. I've been feeling like this for a while now, not telling anyone. Well, who would care? Who would care if I wasn't here anymore? But I know one person would, it's y/n. She's the only thing in my life that's positive. She actually makes me feel loved, happy, and seen. She's the first person to ever make me feel like that, so i couldn't leave her behind. I can't be the reason she breaks. But life doesn't give you a break, it doesn't wait for you to be okay. It just goes on.

I took another smoke, before tossing the cigarette away.

" M-Marcus.." I heard a familiar voice behind me, I turned around to find y/n standing there with watery eyes, with tears falling from them. " y-you weren't a-answering my m-messages or m-my phone c-calls and it s-scared the h-hell out of m-me." She explained, well tried too with the sobs that came with. I didn't even know, my phone must be dead. But her sobs gave everything away, she really was scared. Terrified if worse.

" I'm sorry, precious. I just needed some time, I didn't mean to scare you." I told her softly, hoping to calm her down. But her tears just kept coming and it just broke my heart more, shattered it.

" were you t-thinking about it?" She asked, and I knew what she meant. Jumping.

" no. I promise." I assured her.

" you really scared m-me, Marcus. I-I actually thought y-you left me." She cried, her sadness just kept hurting me. I've never seen her so vulnerable and scared, so broken.

" come here," I spoke, and she took no time running into my arms. She wrapped hers around me tightly just as I secured mine around her waist, pulling her as close as I could.

" don't scare me like that again. I-I can't lose you, you're the one person who f-feels like h-home to me. Y-you're all I have l-left." She mumbled into my chest, i pulled away and cupped her face.

" hey, listen to me," I said, wiping her tears away." You're never gonna lose me, okay? I promise. I could never leave you, you're my precious girl. You're my home as well, always will be." I assured her, softly kissing her forehead.

" promise me..please." She whispered.

" I promise, baby." I confirmed.


The rest of the night y/n was still emotional and shaken up, which i couldn't blame her. We were cuddled up in her bed, where she tightly held onto me. I could tell she was tired but she fought herself to stay awake, but I cared more about her and her health.

" go to sleep, precious. I'm right here." I whispered, she looked up at me.

" promise.." she whispered back, and I assured her with a soft kiss on her lips.

" yes, I promise." I said, and with that, she fell asleep. No matter what. I couldn't leave this girl behind, she needed me just as I needed her.



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