chapter 3 ( randall imagine )

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Welcome back 😭 by the way, it will be different from the movie and it's real so :)


I fought desperately to free myself but these things were way more stronger than me, as they gripped my hair more tightly. I wasn't gonna lie I had a few tears welling in my eyes, and I was scared as hell. But just before anything could happen, I was suddenly free. I was grabbed and pulled away, squeezing myself through the opening before the figure who grabbed me did. I was then gently pushed against the wall, by Randall.

" are you out of your mind?!" He asked, loudly. I was taken back by his outburst. " that was stupid, y/n." He spoke more calmly this time.

" I was saving my friends life, Randall." I defended, feeling myself grow pretty angry at the fact that he thought what I did was stupid, but it wasn't.

" I know. But this is the second time you've risked your life, in the most dangerous ways possible." He spoke, as he rested his hands on both sides of my waist.

" I only did it because I actually care about my friends." I argued.

" don't say I don't care about all of us." He said, softly. I scoffed, not truly believing it. If he cared so much then he'd would've took my side of saving cadence and Ever, now one of them are gone.

" seems that way to me." I defended again, looking down when I said those words. But Randall lifted my chin up as our faces were once again, close.

" I care about them. I just care about you more." He softly spoke, caressing my cheek. I felt my body soften and no longer tense. I thought about the others, as they're probably wondering where we are, and brought back to the fact that there's zombie like people still here.

" can we get out of here now?" I asked Randall, and he chuckled before grabbing my hand. But he looked back down at me before pressing his lips to mine, pulling away and rushing off as I was too busy running to even process what happened. This boy.

" oh my gosh! Where have you two been? We thought you died." Tamra spoke, pacing around the room. Ever came up and crushed me in a hug, but I hugged back.

" thank you for saving me, I really thought that was the end.." she mumbled, pulling away with a frown. I looked over at Randall, as it was his fault for stalling so much.

" wait. Where's hunt?" I asked, looking around the room as I noticed he wasn't present. I then looked at Danny, who had bloodshot eyes as Jacey tried comforting him. I realized..

" i couldn't save him." Danny cried out, his voice cracking so much. As much as I hated this boys guts, I felt horrible that he lost his best friend. " I tried, I did everything I could." He added.

" I'm so sorry, Danny. I really am." I apologized, he didn't say anything but just slowly nodded. The silence was cut off by a loud growl behind us, it was Wayne.. I guess he didn't make it either.

" oh my god!" Jacey panicked, as Danny pulled her close to him. Everyone moved out of the way but before I could I was grabbed again by my arm this time, why me all the time? Before he could bite me he was knocked in the head with a bat, Randall who began hitting him over and over. Ever grabbed me and hugged me tightly as we all watched in horror, I've never seen Randall so angry and aggressive.

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