you're okay now

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You had uncontrollable tears escaping your eyes as you were roughly pinned against the storage room wall, by the new guy who wouldn't leave you alone. His shirt was on the floor as he was undoing his pants, all you could do was cry hoping someone would hear you. But school was over so you didn't have high hopes..

" you're all mine, pretty girl." He smirked as he reconnected your lips with his, his hands roaming all over your body as you tried your hardest to push him away. Just as his hands found their way up your shirt, the door was yanked open and there stood a very angry Marcus. He wasted no time at all grabbing the guy harshly before pulling him off of you and sending countless hits to his face, as you watched everything go down as tears continually streamed down your eyes.

All the fighting and the loud noises caused your heart to race and your breathing speed up, you wanted to get up and leave the closet but you just couldn't bring yourself to do it, you were scared and anxiety took over your entire body. You didn't notice that the fighting stopped until Marcus was already kneeled down in front of you cupping your face in hands, he was talking but you didn't understand what he was saying. Until he did the one thing that always helped with your panic attacks, he kissed you. The feeling of his lips on yours allowed your breathing to go back to normal and your heart beat normally.

" hey, you're okay now, precious. You're safe, I promise I'll never let anyone ever hurt or touch you again." He assured, his voice soft. He gently, and carefully brought you into his chest where he secured you tightly against him. You held onto him like there was no tomorrow, hiding yourself in his chest.

" I promise as long as I'm here, you're safe. I won't hesitate to hurt anyone who hurts you, and that's a promise." He whispered, but his voice was dark when he said it.

" I love you, Marcus." You mumbled.

" I love you too, precious. Forever and always." He said, as he just held you there tightly in his arms. Kissing you ever so often and letting you know you're safe with him.


Haven't updated in a while lol

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