Protect you

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Marcus's PoV

I was walking to the old parking lot where I use to sleep and mostly stay at, before I met y/n of course. I had to take care of something, something dangerous. Willie was with me, he said he had a gun so this should be pretty easy if nothing goes wrong. Y/n was with me too, she wanted to go since she didn't want to stay home by herself. So I knew I had to protect her from anyone or anything, she's my main priority.

" I don't get why we're here. What are we even doing?" Y/n asked, looking around the parking lot. I could tell by the look on her face that she was nervous and scared, so I squeezed her hand in comfort.

" we just have to take care of something, baby." I told her, as we all three quietly continued walking. Truth is, I had to get rid of Rory. A guy who sleeps here, he wasn't a good man. Definitely not anyone you'd want to be near, he was crazy. He roams the streets, and my biggest fear was y/n ever running into him, and I couldn't let that happen. He hurts people, he's even killed people.

Suddenly Willie stopped, causing me to stop. There he was, sitting under his tent. I could tell he was angry at whatever he was doing because he threw a knife down, huffing in anger. Willie lifted his gun, and pointed it directly at him. I felt y/n grab onto my arm as she hid behind me, her eyes in fear. I just pulled her closer to me, wrapping my arm around her protectively.

But a gunshot never went off. Willie lowered his arm and turned around, facing me. I was confused, giving him that kind of look.

" what?" He asked, I gently pushed y/n aside as I walked up closer to Willie.

" why didn't you do it?" I asked him, but before he could say anything, I heard whimpering behind me. I turned around only to find Rory holding a knife to y/n's neck, my heart dropped. I let her go for one second.

" hey man, let her go." I told him, my eyes focused on her. She already had tears in her eyes, as her whole body was shaking. Rory only laughed before he moved the knife more, putting pressure on her neck. But before he could do anything else, a gunshot went off. Willie shot him in the arm, as he let go of y/n. She ran into my arms, where I held her tightly. But it was cut short when Rory just gave us all a deadly glare.

" y/n, run." I told her, letting go and pushing her behind me.

" what about you?" She asked, grabbing my arm.

" I'm right behind you, now go!" I assured her, and her and willie took off. I kept my attention on Rory, who was smirking. My anger building up by the fact that he nearly tried killing my girl.

" I'll make sure you never put your hands on my girl again." I spoke lowly, giving him a death glare. He only laughed before I sent a hard punch to his face, knocking him down to the ground. But that didn't stop him, he just got back up again. Nothing ever stops this guy. I ran, the same direction y/n and willie ran. Rory not too far behind me of course.


I ran and ran until I decided to stop around an alley, I lost Rory. I kept walking around a corner trying to catch my breath, but when I did i found Willie and y/n. But they weren't alone, Rory was with them and he was walking towards my precious who kept backing away, scared to death. I needed to do something, and quick. I looked for anything I could that would possibly knock him out, I found a baseball bat. Perfect.

I snuck up behind him, Willie noticed me and I signaled him to stay quiet. Just as Rory was about to get closer to y/n, I spiked him right in the head. He dropped instantly, groaning in pain. But I wasn't done, not until he could never harm anyone again. I gave him one last look before hitting him again, this time.. he was dead. I looked up and found Willie and y/n looking with wide eyes, but I went over to y/n. I cupped her face before smashing my lips onto hers, she stumbled back a bit. I moved my hands to hold her waist, pulling her closer.

" are you okay, precious?" I asked, pulling away as I examined her face for any signs Rory touched her again, but I didn't see any. Thankfully.

" you killed him, Marcus." She mumbled.

" he almost killed you, baby. I'm not letting anyone get away with that, ever." I told her, pressing my forehead against hers.

" I'd kill for you." I whispered, before connecting our lips again. This girl really meant more than anything else to me, more than anyone else. Nobody touches my girl.


This took so long because I didn't know what to do 😭

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