Dont touch my girl

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Marcus's PoV

I waited 20 minutes for y/n outside the school doors so we could walk home together like we always do, but she never showed up. I began worrying obviously, knowing our school is filled with idiots. I was wondering around the school trying to look for her when I ended up running into Mia instead, y/n's best friend.

" Marcus, y/n never met with me after school. I thought she was already with you." She spoke, which only made me worry more. Y/n wouldn't just go anywhere else without telling me, not that I'm controlling just to make sure she's okay at all times.

" she never met with me either.." I said, Mia's face immediately went pale. I knew she was thinking about something. " Mia.. what is it?" I asked her.

" you don't think billy did something, do you?" She asked me, just hearing his name bothered me. He had a record of hurting basically anyone he could easily get his hands on, and y/n was always his target. I couldn't even stand the thought of him hurting her, even touching her. She's my girl.

" I gotta go." I told Mia and rushed off to the place I knew billy and his pathetic friends hung out, an alley where nobody ever walked. My body raged with anger, bothered by the thought of him touching my girl. I wasn't gonna let anything happen to her.

I found the alley and seen him sitting around with his friends, playing some card game. I looked around for y/n and didn't see her anywhere, which made me panic more. What if she's already hurt? I came in sight and they all noticed.

" aye Marcus, what a great surprise man!" Billy spoke, showing his stupid ugly smile.

" where is she, billy?" I asked him, my anger building up by the second.

" who are we talking about?" He asked, this jerk I swear. I wasn't gonna hold back any longer so I stormed over to him and used all my strength to punch him across the face, watching him drop to the ground. I glared at his friends who backed away, just as they should.

" bring her out, boys!" Billy shouted, i turned my attention to whatever it was he was looking at. And when I did, it made my heart sink. Two other guys held my precious by her arms, pulling her harshly from wherever they came from. She had a bag over her head, she looked so terrified which only made me feel more angry.

" take it off." Billy ordered. One of the guys removed the bag from her head and I was met with her gorgeous, but scared eyes. She had uncontrollable tears falling from them, as her lip quivered. What cause me to lose it was the medium sized cut on the side of her face, they did hurt my girl.

" you pulled a knife on her?!" I shouted at billy before sending multiple punches to his already beat up face, I let all my anger out on him. After I was finished with him, I beat up all his little friends, satisfaction with the cries of pain. Suddenly, I was harshly turned around by my shoulder, facing one of the guys who had y/n. I took no time taking him out, before turning my full attention to the last remaining guy who still held my precious captive.

" let her go." I demanded, my voice low. The guy smirked, before he leaned down and kissed y/n on the cheek. Something only I can do. Anger filled my body again as I stormed over about to punch him but I quickly stopped myself when he threw her in front of him, she looked up at me, scared.

" you really think I was gonna hit my girl?" I asked him, me being the one smirking this time. I quickly wrapped my arm around y/n's waist, pulling her into me harshly but as gentle as I could. I punched the man square in the face, knocking him out. It was now quiet with the only sound being y/n's heavy breathing, I pulled away and immediately cupped her face carefully.

" hey hey, look at me." I told her, wiping her tears away. She was shaking, her hands mostly. I removed my hands from her face before grasping her hands softly, i hated seeing her so scared. " you're safe now, baby. I've got you, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you ever again." I assured her.

" M-Marcus.." she mumbled, her voice even shaking in the process.

" I'm here, precious." I told her, kissing her forehead to let her know she's safe.

" I-It h-hurts.." she mumbled again, and I knew she was referring to the cut on her face. I hated that she got hurt, but I got revenge for her.

" I know, baby. I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner." I told her, feeling terrible. I pulled her into my chest as I rubbed her back, calming her down. It worked, she stopped breathing so hard and shaking so much. We stayed like this for a moment, just glad that I have her back in my arms.

" can we go home now?" I heard her ask, her voice so soft almost like I couldn't hear it.

" yes, precious. We can go home." I said, pulling away and gently pressing my lips to hers. After, I grabbed her hand and we left the alley. When we got home, I helped her change into a pair of my sweats and an oversized hoodie of mine. I changed into a pair of sweats before getting into bed, pulling her into me. She nuzzled into my neck, holding onto me tightly. Which I found it adorable. I pecked her forehead.

" I promise I'm gonna protect you. I'm gonna protect you from anyone or anything that tries hurting you ever again, cause your my girl. And I love you more than my own life, precious." I whispered to her, before falling asleep to the peaceful sound of her soft breathing.



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