selfish chico

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You ran to Petra, after she was shoved to the ground by one of the mask killers. As she tried crawling away, he stabbed her in the arm. Your eyes widen at what you just witnessed, and you quickly hurried over and helped her up and pulling her out of harms way. You examined the wound, finding it not as severe which was relief to you.

" RUN!" Saya yelled, as she quickly disarmed one of the guys and escaped the room. Everyone hurried out behind her as you quickly wrapped Petra's arm around your shoulder, being the last ones to leave the room. You all stayed together as you ran through the hall, reaching a flight of stairs as you carefully but quickly hurried down so Petra wouldn't trip.

Finally reaching another room, you let go of Petra and she hurried through the door. You looked back to the others who were still trying desperately to make it, Marcus was first to appear around the corner, reaching you and holding you tightly as he possibly could. Then it was Jaden, but Chico hurried behind him and roughy pulled him back. Your eyes widen as he was struggling to get back up, but only to get stabbed in the back of the head. You had no time to do anything as Marcus pushed you through the door..

Saya quickly shut it with a slam, locking it. Everyone was quiet, besides Petra who was still in pain. You turned around and sent Chico a deadly glare, your blood boiling just by looking at him. He was selfish, only thinking about himself in the situation.

" you killed Jaden." You said sternly.

" screw Jaden!" He hissed.

You were about to charge at him, wanting to beat the living daylights out of him. He did nothing. He didn't help anyone in that room, didn't care that Petra got stabbed right in front of him, didn't do anything but flee the minute he was told to. The only thing he did though, was get Jaden killed.

" you're selfish, Chico." You spoke lowly. You've always stood up to him, defending your friends every time he thought he'd get away with something. You weren't scared of him, at least you never will be after what you witnessed earlier. He was selfish and that was the only word that suited him.

" what did you just say?" He asked, almost growling as he spoke.

" I said you're selfish, Chico! You only care about yourself and you proved it tonight! You didn't do a single thing but run. You watched. You watched Petra get stabbed. You didn't bother to help anyone! To think people are actually scared of you is the funniest thing ever right now. You can't even defend yourself. You're selfish. And that got Jaden killed." You raged, no matter how angry you were at the moment, tears still formed in your eyes.

Marcus pulled you into his arms as you began crying into his chest, he took you to another part of the room away from everyone, Chico at least.

" I'm glad I still have you, Marcus." You mumbled, holding onto him tightly.

" you'll always have me, precious. I promise." He said, pulling away as he gently pressed his lips to yours. You'll never forget Jaden, and you'll definitely never in your life forgive Chico, which tonight he just made you hate him way more. But you're just happy to still have Marcus, and you hope you never lose him.


Kinda bad but yeah

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