51. Lone Wolf v/s Grizzly Bear

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"He IS seeing a man."

Dhiraj couldn't believe his ears. All this time he was so, SO, SOOOOOOOO confident that Nakul was just....bluffing. But that devious smile he saw that day, grew a bud of uncertainty inside him.

So being the certified stalker that he was, he summoned his minion to look into the matter. OF COURSE his minion was displeased.

Rajat lost it cool, when he came to know that Dhiraj stumbled upon that man. After all the suffering you have been through, because of that man, you still want to be with him? He was bewildered by that thought. Because every mention of that man reminded him of those horrific days. When Dhiraj was as if on a deathbed and all Rajat could hope was for him to open his eyes.

He would visit Dhiraj everyday, talk to him, beg him to get better but he got no response. And every night, he would be haunted by those nightmares. Nightmares in which...........Dhiraj won't get up.

Now that things were finally getting back on track, he absolutely hated how that man barged into their lives once again. He tried rationalizing with Dhiraj. Telling him that if Nakul had moved on, why go digging up old graves? Instead, shouldn't he move on too? BUT, his employer didn't budge.

A simple reply of : If you aren't going to help me with this, I'll hire someone else to do it.

I rather have my eyes over things. And with that, Rajat took up the task. Lucky for him, Nakul WAS in fact meeting a guy. He was pleasantly surprised. Finally! He will move on after this, Rajat thought. But oh boy was he so wrong!

"Who's this.....guy?!" Dhiraj was UTTERLY displeased by the turn of events.

However displeased, Rajat was thorough with his task.

"His name is Chandra Nair. He-"

"*scoff* Chandra?! What a pretentious-ass name." [A/N: Chandra means moon.] Dhiraj already started taking a jab at that unknown man to make himself feel better. [A/N: Petty😒]

Rajat understood the intention of that unnecessary jab. Ignoring Dhiraj, he continued. "He's a Therapist. Quite sought-after in fact. His sexual orientation is gay. And he's open about his preferences. In fact he frequents a place which is dubbed as quote-unquote-" he air quotes, "A gay bar. He's quite accomplished in his field. Is known as a charismatic, flirtatious yet the most 'courteous' man." Rajat air quoted the word 'courteous'.

"His relationship status is not known to people. According to the report, people refer to him as an outgoing, yet somewhat of a private person which only adds a layer of mystery to his already interesting and happy-go-lucky personality." He directly read that line from the report.

"The bartender added that he and Nakul meet there almost every weekend. And he[the bartender] also mentioned that if those two are indeed together, they will win the......" Air quoting once again, "cutest-couple-to-exist award."

"STOP!" Dhiraj couldn't handle the dump of information. Cutest couple to exist award?! WE WILL WIN THAT!!! ME AND MY BABY!!! NOT THAT GUY!!!

"Tell me about the dirt he has." Dhiraj asked if that man had anything on him that Dhiraj could use as a weapon.


Dhiraj's exe. stopped working for a second.


"None." Rajat was unfazed. "No complaint filed against him. No unlawful detention. No perverted interests. No drug problem. No past relationship issues. No shady businesses. No tax evasion. No loan sharks. Not even a parking ticket. He is......clean."

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