Omegaverse AU: Chp 1

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Seated on the backseat of his vintage Mercedes Benz, Dhiraj smoked out his worries. A man with very few interests, only vintage cars and Cuban cigars piqued the dominant Alpha's interests. He was the 2nd in command of the most notorious gang of India. But he viewed himself more as a "businessman" rather than a gangster. Maybe because he was in denial. In denial that he will have to bear the consequences of his actions someday or other. Maybe because all he craved was the normalcy of life.

Waking up by the love of his life in his arms. A morning kiss to begin his day. Making breakfast together. Passing the days of their life indulging in small joys of life. Starting a family. He wanted 2 kids. A girl and a boy, who would run into his arms when he got back home and poof, all his tiredness would be gone. Just the simple things.

But he also knew that the environment around him will never let him experience these simple joys. He stood miles away from them. And that was another reason why he avoided "hanging" out with people. Getting close to someone might just lead to more dire consequences. It's better this way. He tried to convince himself that his lonely life and his one night stands were the best possible scenarios for him. But in the end he's just a human right? A human who craved warmth. And touch. And a bit of love?

My head hurts. Dhiraj massaged his temples to find some ease. But his hectic yet lonesome life wasn't allowing that. Finally the car stopped near a shady looking complex. Its worn down exterior would scream "STAY AWAY FROM HERE" to a normal person.

But Dhiraj in no way was ordinary. His dominant Alpha status along with 2nd-in-command position and Never-mess-with-this-alpha aura always brought overwhelming attention to him. He got out of his car and made his way towards a person waiting for him at the entrance of the building. It was Rajat, his right hand man. Unlike him, Rajat was a man of academic excellence. Maybe that was the reason why Dhiraj's paternal Aunt, the head of the gang, Avantika, had appointed Rajat to assist Dhiraj. And the man did prove himself quite useful.

This time too, Rajat was on business. He had found a new asset that MUST be procured. An asset that will help them rake in millions.

"He's fighting today. I want you to see yourself the potential he has. He still is a diamond in rough. But we can polish him according to our needs" The fox like Rajat proposed.

Dhiraj trusted the decisions Rajat made. But this particular time he was a bit skeptical.

The underground fighting industry was huge. People placed bets on the fighters as if they were race horses. He wanted to dabble in this industry as the profit margins were huge. So he wanted the bestest of the best horse to run this race. That was when a young lad was brought into his notice. People called this young fighter the mad dog. Because he wasn't an inch over 5'9", neither was he an overly muscular man. But he was able to take down even a heavyweight boxer. Dhiraj wasn't sure about this asset. So he made up his mind to get a 1st hand look at the goods.

He only had entered the building when a strong stench of annoyingly sweet pheromones hit his nose. It didn't take him long to decipher the source. It were the omegas lining up through the hallway, waiting to find a customer. A frown immediately showed up on his forehead. Those pheromones irritated him beyond his wits. He held his breath in an attempt to ignore it. But only seconds later an omega lady stopped him by holding his arm.

She let out more of her pheromones in an attempt to seduce Dhiraj. And as soon as those pheromones hit Dhiraj, he looked at her with disgust in his eyes. He has had enough with them. He understood that these omegas had to do 'things' in order to survive, but over a period of time he had grown to be repulsed by an omega's overly strong pheromones. Instead of making him feel at ease, those pheromones gave him a headache.

The pheromones had started making him feel so nauseating that he rather spend his ruts alone in agony than dabbling into the horrendous pheromones of an omega. Also the multiple times omegas wanted to use him to get pregnant so that they could live a luxurious life as his child's mother, left a bad taste in his mouth. Now every time time he inhaled those overwhelmingly strong pheromones, his body had developed a repulsion towards them.

So when that omega took her chance to seduce him with her pheromones, she instead received two dagger liked eyes, telling her to fuck off. She understood that look and immediately backed off. With her gone, Dhiraj and Rajat made their way towards the ring.

The fight seemed to have already begun and the crowd was in an uproar. Spotting the fighters was difficult among the over enthusiastic crowd. So Rajat beckoned Dhiraj to follow him to the VIP seats. Once reaching the VIP seats that were above everyone, Dhiraj's eyes fell on the ring. And he immediately understood why the crowd was over-enthusiastic.

It was because a scrawny looking boy was fighting a literal beast. The difference between the 2 fighters was evident. The young lad looked like a little rabbit standing in front of a giant elephant.

"He's the one I'm talking about." Rajat pointed towards the young lad.

It's him? Is he sure? He looks like a little boy......Dhiraj's train of thoughts paused as he soon realized why Rajat was so keen on procuring that young man. Although he didn't have his muscles or height as a leverage, what he did had advantage over was his speed, his precision and his technique.

The underground ring only had one rule: survival of the fittest. You NEED to trample the others under your feet if you want to survive. So the fighters paid little attention to techniques. What they focused more on was how to beat the shit out of the person in front. And although it's a gruesome way to win, often it was what insured the fighter's survival.

But that little rabbit was doing things differently. He used his techniques to tilt the scales of the fight on his side. A smirk made its way on Dhiraj's lips. He's a clever little rabbit. He observed the boy's moves closely as the boy soon started overpowers his opponent. It was almost as if he was a professional fighter.

Dhiraj's eyes soon landed on the young lad's face and then on his eyes. And then.....he felt something weird happen to him. The smile on Dhiraj's face vanished and his eyes remained wide open as if a sudden realization had dawned upon him.

He turned to Rajat to confirm his doubts.

"He's a beta? Are you sure?" Dhiraj asked with a hysterical expression.

"Yeah. You know right that these fights are allowed only between betas. No alphas. No omegas." Rajat didn't understand why Dhiraj was asking such a basic question.

Dhiraj was still spaced out. His trance broke when the loud cheers from the crowd reached his ears. Everyone was screaming, "ROCKY!! ROCKY!! ROCKY!! ROCKY!!" Dhiraj looked up. The young lad's eye was swollen, covered with blood as the referee held his hand up to declare him the winner. The crowd roared once again, celebrating Rocky's win.

But Dhiraj's mind was in a different realm. A different realm where every cell of his body, the core of his soul and all of his instincts were screaming : He's the one. He's my mate.

* * * 

The next one's a little spicy🤭

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