39. Just f**k off Rajat

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"Hello Rajat. Great to see you again." Nakul was wearing a wide triumphant smile on his face. The usual Rajat would have replied to those greetings without giving it much thought. But something about that smile just put him off. It was as if Nakul wasn't wearing his usual smile. Rather he sensed that Nakul had plastered a fake smile that looked down upon him with a tint of arrogance. Rajat's mind had some guesses about why that might be the case. But nevertheless, he replied.

"Hello." What followed his greeting were his doubts. "What are you doing here?"

And that question made Nakul's smile grow wider. Maybe because he did complete the task he was there for. Despite being unaware of Nakul's actual motives, the confidence in Nakul's smile made it evident that, whatever he wanted, he had accomplished it. That suspicion made Rajat pull up his guard.

Nakul replied nonchalantly, "I came to see Dhiraj today."

Today? Rajat's suspicions grew stronger. "And it HAD to be today?"

"Yeah why? Is there anything special?" Nakul pretended not knowing anything.

Now things were becoming frustrating for Rajat. They were already late for Anaya's premier. And now this guy was blocking his way. He better not pull any tricks today.

He calmed himself down and with whatever little patience he had, he replied politely, "Yeah. He has an important appointment TODAY. I should see him. We need to leave urgently so I must see him." Rajat shot a piercing look at Nakul as if telling him to get out of his way. And doing so, he took a step forward when Nakul blocked his way.

Rajat was stunned by what was happening. An "outsider" was stopping him from meeting his own boss, at his own office? That's it. I'm done playing the good guy. He looked at Nakul to remind him who had most authority at the office when his words seemingly vanished from the tip of his tongue.

Because what he saw in front of him was a man whose eyes told him not to take a step further. Because if he did so, the consequences would be dire. Nakul wasn't wearing that fake, plastery smile of his anymore. His eyes were dead serious and the menacing look in his eyes made Rajat realize something. The man standing in front of him wasn't his boss's lover, or the kind guy who would be hospitable to him every time they met. The man standing in front of him was a monochrome, guarding his chrome.

"You can't do that." Nakul's tone shifted too.

Rajat wasn't going to back down though. "Why?"

Both Rajat and Nakul looked like fierce beasts ready to fight. On one hand there was Nakul who stood like a Black Jaguar, guarding his turf. While Rajat looked like the majestic snow leopard ready to pounce and attack him. But the one caught in between those two was the poor little Ruhi[the secretary], standing there helplessly, not understanding the hostility existing in the doorway. The one thing she did know was that she must get herself out of there.

"Ahhh....Sir?!" She beckoned Rajat. "I think I should take a break." She smiled awkwardly.

And before Rajat could reply to her, Nakul took it upon himself to give the permissions. "Sure." He plastered that fake smile once again. With that, Ruhi hurried off leaving those two to handle their "matter".

Rajat was pissed. He was already late and now here was this man blocking his way. "Get out of my way Nakul. It's getting late." He half expected Nakul to throw some sharp words at him but unexpectedly, that arrogant smile made a return.

Nakul folded his hands as he stood in Rajat's way. He absolutely wouldn't let Rajat see his boss. "Do you have any idea how much you people overwork Dhiraj? He fell asleep while working. And if you care about him, do not disturb his sleep."

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