5. How do you tell someone to f**k off nicely?

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Oddly, things have been quiet since yesterday. Nakul made a mental observation. 2 days had passed since their session with their counselor and astonishingly, Dhiraj seemed to have kept his word. Although Nakul couldn't help but feel something odd about the situation.

Contrary to his usual streak of stalking, the man was nowhere to be seen. No car outside the school. No call from an unknown number. What made Nakul worried more was whether that was good news or just the silence before a storm.

He was at his school going over the preparations for his next lecture. Even though he was staring at the book, his mind was somewhere else. It drifted back to their counseling session.

His throat went dry as he remembered Dhiraj's intense words that subconsciously had craved a mark in his mind. Those hooded eyes and that sly smile had made him nearly question his decision in the last 2 days.

He rested his forehead on his palms. Why am I even thinking about him? It's a good thing that he's staying away from me. That's how it should be.

Exhaling deeply, he gave his body some good jerk to warm himself up. He checked his watch. It was time for his next class. He got up, took his books and left the staff room.

Absent-mindedly, he walked towards his class when he was halted by a peon.

"Sir, you are called in by the chairwoman" the middle- aged man simply said.

"Now? But I have a class now. Is it urgent?" a visibly confused Nakul replied.

He had never been summoned by the higher authorities of the school. Something about the situation made him anxious.

"I'm not sure. But she did tell me to get you immediately"

"Okay. I'll keep my books and come."

Oh hearing that, the peon left. Nakul kept his books aside and pondered on why he had been asked for. The nervousness made his palm all cold. He hasn't done anything right? No, no that isn't possible. He kept rubbing his cold palms in order to keep them warm.

He reached the office and knocked on the door. Peeking in, he said -

"Ma'am you called me?

"Yes!! I did. Come in, come in", the chairwoman in her 60s said excitedly.

Seeing her smiling face, put Nakul at ease. Sigh~ it isn't something bad. Smile and make a good impression in front of her now, Nakul. He calmed himself.

He opened the door to enter. He came forward to greet the chairwoman, but a tall, sturdy figure standing near the corner plant made him halt mid-tracks. That irritating sly smile was visible again. Rather, this time this person was proudly flaunting that smile.

Nakul's eyes widened as he cursed in his mind. What problem is he trying to cause for me now? His body became stiff, numbness spreading around as their eyes met. He quickly averted his eyes from meeting Dhiraj's, so that the chairwoman wouldn't know about their "issue".

Understanding what Nakul was up to, Dhiraj too focused his gaze elsewhere. He did love teasing his baby, but he didn't want to cause unnecessary complications at his workplace. He quickly positioned himself in a way that he would be behind Nakul so that their eyes won't meet.

"Nakul!! I had no idea you knew such influential people!!" the chairwoman exclaimed.

Nakul was at a loss of words since he had no idea what was going on. He made a meek attempt at laughing and replied, "Yeah. What happened though Ma'am?"

Hue In My World (Indian BL)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora