36. (18+) The temporary Band-Aid

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"Then strip." Nakul commanded in a cold voice.

"I What?" That was the least expected sentence Dhiraj had heard throughout the day.

"I said STRIP. Right now." Nakul's voice nearly trembled as he screamed out those words. His furrowed brows were making it evident that his anxiety still hadn't dissipated. And those uncertain eyes only made it difficult for Dhiraj to ignore that iron-clad plea. So despite being unsure he obliged.

He started to remove his tie, followed by unbuttoning the shirt. His mind was taking up quite some time to do that task, which in usual cases won't take more than a minute. Maybe it was because Dhiraj could simply sense the lingering uneasiness in his baby's eyes. The lines of worry were still present on his forehead. That nervous gulp, clenched fist, tapping of his feet. They all indicated only one thing to Dhiraj. Somewhere Nakul was still not satisfied with the explanation he had given.

And he was correct with his assessment. Nakul couldn't hold himself back any longer. An overwhelming urge to have his man swelled up in every corner of his mind. Dhiraj's story did make his monochrome hold his reins, but what still existed was a feeling that the world was going to snatch his precious someone away from him.

The impatience only grew inside Nakul as he took upon the menial task of undressing Dhiraj in his own hands. He stepped forward. His hands staggered as he wasn't able to unbutton the shirt properly. The frustration reached its peak and Nakul ripped off Dhiraj's shirt. That surprised Dhiraj. He's still mad. Dhiraj could easily conclude. I must do something to calm him down. He still looks anxious.

Oblivious to Dhiraj's concerns, what Nakul was focused on was the task to claim what was his. He MUST mark his territory. Make sure Dhiraj knows who he belongs to. So the moment the clothes were out of his way, he plundered through the treasure that laid in front of him. He attacked that neck, sucking on it, leaving little reds everywhere his lips touched. His lips, his teeth as well as his tongue were impatient. Impatient to engrave their presence all over Dhiraj's body.

Dhiraj's body could sense that urgency. And although his mind screamed to stop, take it slow, solve the misunderstanding, his body already had started surrendering to Nakul's touch. The hitch in his breathing increased as his legs grew weaker to every kiss Nakul placed on him. From his neck to his collar bone to the middle of his chest as well as his nipples. Nakul left no place unexplored. As his fingers dug deeper into Dhiraj's skin, his nails scratched all over leaving a little burning sensation throughout that man's body.

Nakul didn't notice those marks. He was too busy marking his territory. His mouth moved south, following Dhiraj's ab-line, leaving the man to shiver more. Uncontrollable moans escaping from his mouth. Despite not wanting to give in, his hands found through Nakul's hair, guiding his baby to soothe the fire burning inside him.

Nakul got down on his knees, his tongue sucking Dhiraj's navel as his hands got busy with undoing Dhiraj's pants. His impatience grew. All he wanted to do was to leave some marks down there, where only he could admire them. I'll never let anyone have you honey. He bit on the side of Dhiraj's torso.

That bite made Dhiraj moan harder. His hands moved to Nakul's cheeks, cupping them as he pleaded, "Slo-AHH. Go slow...". He was having a difficult time keeping up with Nakul's slithering tongue. "We have all the time babe. We can go slow."

Nakul had no plans to do that. He was desperate. Desperate to mark his possession. At last those thoughts escaped through his mouth, " You are mine. NO ONE can have you."

Their eyes met as Nakul then proceeded to bite Dhiraj's palm that was cupping his cheeks. Those possessive gestures were making their intentions quite clear. Dhiraj could feel a sense of mania in those eyes. And strangely that didn't intimidate him. So he is feeling insecure because of what happened? Dhiraj concluded. So he isn't angry. Rather he's worried? That thought rather made his lips curled up. I shouldn't waste anymore time and clear some things.

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