14. (18+) A Drunken Mistake

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Fuck!! What's wrong with me? Why did I react like that?

Nakul lay wide awake in his bed, doing an aftermath of things that happened during the day. A Midnight sky with blues and blacks didn't help either. Tick-tock. Time flowed away as Nakul kept staring at the ceiling.

Why was I so on edge in the morning? Honestly I had nothing to do with their situation. He can sleep with who ever the fuck he wants. It doesn't matter to me. Then......why did it.....I just.....didn't like how she felt. It was as if I was robbing something from her....But I AM NOT!! Fuck....

He rolled over on his side, as he made another attempt to put himself to sleep which failed. He sat up in agitation.

Why did I feel as if I owed her something? And when she told me that Dhiraj just left her......I felt this urge to confirm....if he did.....

Sighing in frustration, he let go of his body and crashed on the bed. It shouldn't matter right? He was erratic and so was his heart. Why couldn't I just ignore it? He closed his eyes and massaged his temples as they had begun to throb now.

His mind wandered off again. And this time, its destination was Dhiraj's smile. He just couldn't get that damn smile out of his head. FUCK!! He cursed some more as he hit his pillow real hard. Why?

Do I like.....A cold shiver went down his spine as his heart picked up pace. no....NO.. That's not possible....Shut up....

Nakul tightly shut his eyes at that thought, forcing his brain to not to think any stupid thought and just sleep. But then, he suddenly remembered some words of Tanishqa......."A man can never love him the way a woman would ...."

I'm not sure about that either.

* * *

Nakul was making breakfast with dark circles under his eyes. He wasn't able to get even a wink of sleep last night. On top of that, standing in front of him was Rajat. Waiting for Dhiraj to complete his bath. An air of awkwardness was evident. For some reason Nakul got the vibes that Rajat didn't really like him. Again, he didn't know why, but he just felt.

Maybe it was because Nakul was slightly conscious of how this man viewed his boss wooing another man. Nakul tried his best to ignore Rajat. But Rajat's growling stomach did not allow that to happen. Of course the man would be hungry, Nakul thought. Visiting your boss as early as 7 in the morning, who does that?

Nakul couldn't help but admire Rajat's dedication towards his job in the past months that he had witnessed. No matter what time it was, the moment Dhiraj summoned Rajat, he would be there. Nakul had quite a few questions he wanted to ask Rajat about Dhiraj. But he kept them to himself.


That was it. Nakul HAD to do something about those growls.

"Would you like an omelet?" Nakul offered Rajat the breakfast he was preparing for him and Dhiraj.

"Ahh...me?" Rajat was taken aback by the offer. "Sorry. I'm a vegetarian so...."

"Oh. yeah....okay...no issues. Then some Chai(Indian Tea) and toast?"

Now that was a tempting offer for Rajat.

"Ah...." Rajat hesitated for a moment but obliged, "sure". He got seated on the chair in front of the kitchen platform as Nakul poured some tea for him.

Silence took over again as they both had their breakfast. A few seconds later their eyes met and they quickly looked in another direction. More seconds passed by and the awkwardness grew. Finally Rajat decided to break it. In his regal tone he began,

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