50. So.....Nakul dropped a Bomb.

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Dhiraj couldn't help but pace back and forth as he waited outside Nakul's room. Riddhi, her husband and little Tara went to meet him first. It had been quite some since they went in, but there were no signs of him being called in too.

Did they even tell him that I'm waiting outside? What if they never tell him and he assumes that I left?! Should I just go in?!

He bit his nails, something he had never done before. But his anxiety wouldn't cease. Finally, after what seemed like a millennia, the couple reappeared. They were wearing a bit uneasy expression. Dhiraj didn't waste another second. His question came pouring in.

"Hey....Is Nakul okay now? He's not in pain now, right? What did the doctor say? H-He knows I'm here right? That I'm outside waiting for him? Can I see him now?" The man was in utter desperation.

Riddhi gulped. She HAD to break the news. "Nakul....is stable now. His vitals are all okay. But........"

Dhiraj's heart dropped. Please don't say it. Please. "But?"

"He......He doesn't want to.....meet.......anyone right now." She purposely didn't use Dhiraj's name so as to cushion that blow.

Deep down, Dhiraj knew that was what was going to happen. But he let his optimism or.......maybe his delusions take over to make himself believe that Nakul would wanna see him.

"But......I'm not just anyone....I'm his chrome." Dhiraj said in the most pitiful voice.

And of course, those puppy eyes and that voice pulled Riddhi's heart's strings. But she needed to stay firm. "Sorry.....He-He wants to be alone right now."

"So then, can I see him later?" The puppy pleaded more.

It was getting harder for Riddhi to say no to him. She looked at her husband, as if asking him what she should do in that situation. Thankfully her husband helped her out.

"He said he doesn't want to meet anyone right now. If he wants to see you, he'll let you know. You can leave now. You must be a busy man." He suggested Dhiraj to pick up the hints.

Dhiraj whined as he agreed, and he stepped back as if to give up. And when the couple went ahead to take their seat on the chair, Dhiraj speeded inside the wardroom, locking the door. Now no one could stop him from seeing his baby!

The puppy had never felt so proud of himself!

Whisking off that momentary pride, he turned attention to what he must do next.

And it didn't take him long to find the one he had been ongoing to see.

His Nakul.

A nurse was helping him to sit upright when the man came barging in. And the moment their eyes met, Nakul could feel that crippling pain spreading all across his body. His muscles stiffened and tears surfaced.

Dhiraj's body moved involuntarily, lunging forward as if to support him. He held Nakul by his shoulder, trying his best to help Nakul through that shooting pain as he wore expressions of worry.

The last thing he would ever want was for Nakul to go through any sort of pain. No- That won't even be the last thing he want. He would NEVER want that. But all of his concern was thrown out the window the moment Nakul shook off his hands.

"Just leave me alone." Nakul spat out with whatever energy he had.

Dhiraj's world came to a standstill. He did expect to hear those words. But they hurt him nevertheless.

"Nakul.....I just want to see you all well." The puppy broke into tears.

But his plea fell on deaf ears because Nakul had no intention to hear him out.

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