PART. 26

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Fahmaan doesn't let Sumbul move from the bed, he keeps everything on the bed, even when she has to go to the washroom, he even understands that he has to carry her in his arm.

All the girls in the House were bit a jailous and were also praising that Fahmaan is such a caring boy. I wish we could get a boy like Fahmaan as our life partner.

Today is the last day of the family weekend and Sumaan and PRIYANKIT are very sad that no one from their family has come to meet them yet. They were lying in  rooms, Priyankit was lying on one bed and the sumaan was lying on the other bed. Fahmaan was sitting with his back to Bed and Sumbul was lying with her head in his lap.Fahmaan was caressing Sumbul's hair. And he had joined one hand with Sumbul's hand. Both of them have their fingers entangled.

Just then Bigg Boss is announced. And everyone gathers in the hall.

Bb ..       Sumbul, Fahmaan, Priyanka, and Ankit, I have a special gift for all of you.
But to get this gift, all four of you will have to sacrifice something precious to you. And that thing your enemies will decide what you will have to sacrifice. By enemy I mean like Tina and Shalin.

Everyone starts laughing after hearing the names of Tina and Shalin in the enemy list.

Then the conversation starts in Bigg Boss house.

One hour later, everyone is in the garden and Bigg Boss asks Tina and Shalin what sacrifices you both thought they would make.

Tina....     Sir, I want Priyanka and Sumbul to sacrifice their locket. Which she both is wearing.

Pri/sum....     Sorry Bigg Boss for interrupting. But both of us cannot take off this locket.  This is our naptual chain.

bb.......     Tina think more. And  Shalin what is your intention?

Shalin.......    Sir, I want Fahmaan to sacrifice his clothes. And sacrifice your share of ration.

Tina...    Sir, I also want that both Priyanka and Sumbul should sacrifice their clothes.

Bb....   Sumbul Fahmaan Priyanka and Ankit leave your belongings in the store room and collect your family's letters from there after half an hour.

Suman and PRIYANKIT are very happy. But Tina gets jealous.

Tina in mind. If I had known that a letter had come from home, I would have say both of them to sacrifice the letter.

Then they all leave their things in the store room and after half an hour they bring the letter and read it lovingly.

Sumbul and Priyanka had received a letter from their father. And Ankit and Fahmaan had received a letter from their mother.

All four sit in the room and read the letters and when all four finish, Ankit and Sumbul look at each other and run away, hugging each other tightly. Then Priyanka and Fahmaan also hug and then all four hug.

All four were in a hug when Fahmaan's mother and Ankit's mother came from outside the tunnel side. And Priyanka's father comes. Their parents quietly come inside and hug them.

They all thought that they had friends and they all came out of the hug and started screaming after seeing their parents and hugged them happily.

Sumbul and Ankit hug and stick to their mother and Priyanka and Fahmaan hug their mom and dad. They all start crying and seeing their love so much, the other contestants of Bigg Boss also start crying.

After some time, Ankit and Sumbul's mother was sitting on the bed and Sumbul and Ankit were lying with their heads in their mother's lap. Priyanka was also sitting with her head on her dad's shoulder and Fahmaan was also sitting hugging his mother.

All of them seemed to be at home and forgot that they were in Bigg Boss. Everyone got lost in their parents, sometimes showing them the glory of Bigg Boss and sometimes cooking them their favorite food. And at last they all introduce their parents to everyone.  Tina was still jealous because Fahmaan's mother was loving Sumbul very much and was kissing Sumbul's cheeks and forehead.

Everyone was sitting in the garden. Tina couldn't bear the jealousy so she started talking tauntingly.

Tina.....    Look, Shalin, Sumbul didn't have a mother, so Ankit's mother came to become her mother and Fahmaan's mother is also loving her so much because she doesn't have her own mother.

Fk mom...    It seems that someone's mother did not teach manners to her daughter out of blind love. And it seems that someone is illiterate who does not even understand that a mother's love is the same whether it is one's own child or someone else's.

Fk mom rock and tina and all contest shocked.

Everyone starts laughing at Tina.  Tina feels very embarrassed.

Sum/     As much as this girl makes a fuss about things, our Shivu( raavi and shiv baby) doesn't even make that much noise.

Everyone starts rolling in laughter. Even Shalin was laughing at Tina. And Tina went away from there in embarrassment.

Nimi....    Aunty, who is Shivu?

Sum...    Laughed. My two-year-old nephew SHIVANSH.

Abdu..    Oh my god. Tina is more closed minded than a two year old child.

Sai..    Oh my God Abdu, stop it, your words are making me laugh more, my stomach is hurting.


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