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At the airport, a sense of excitement and anticipation hung thick in the air as Jungkook, Wren, and her parents stood at the entrance of a private terminal, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of airport activity.

Wren's heart raced with excitement as she watched the ground crew make final preparations for their departure. Jungkook's hand squeezed hers as they stood side by side, close enough to have their shoulders brush at all times.

They were headed to Australia for Wren's graduation trip. Her parents had rented a beach house and invited Jungkook along as well. Wren didn't exactly know what it was going to be like going on a trip with her boyfriend and her parents, but so far had been in their own little world and honestly Wren had barely noticed them she had been so absorbed in being with her boyfriend.

As they approached the sleek, elegant private plane waiting on the tarmac, Wren's eyes widened in awe at the sight of the luxurious aircraft. Its gleaming exterior reflected the golden hues of the setting sun, casting an ethereal glow over the runway.

"You sure it's okay we use your plane?" Wren asked Jungkook and he nodded.

"Of course," he pulled her into his side and hugged her a little tighter. And her parents were so used to their displays of affection now they didn't even glance in their direction.

Her parents were happy for her, and she was glad they approved of her decision to be with Jungkook. Her mother and father were over the moon actually with her decision to date a k-pop idol. Probably because it helped boost her reputation if she was being honest. But she hoped that a small part of them liked him because he made her happy too. Because that was what mattered to Wren.

"We are ready for you," one of the flight attendants said to the group of them and opened the large doors out to the runway.

With a sense of wonder, they walked towards the small plane, following the attendant that was leaning them. The slight breeze fluffed up Wren's hair and Jungkook's dark curls around his face. He wore a mask that day and glasses to hide his identity but somehow he was still incredibly attractive with most of his face hidden.

They boarded the plane, greeted by the plush leather seats and elegant interior decor. The cabin crew welcomed them warmly, offering refreshments and ensuring their comfort for the journey ahead.

As the engines roared to life and the plane taxied down the runway, Wren felt a surge of excitement coursing through her veins. She stole a glance at her parents sitting a few rows back and they were holding hands both of them talking amongst themselves.

She caught her mom's eye and they smiled at each other for a second before Wren turned back to face Jungkook.

"You ready?" she asked him, feeling a bubbling excitement begin in her stomach. She loved flying.

"Ready," Jungkook said, pulling his mask off and his sunglasses he revealed his dark eyes and perfect pierced lip and then proceeded to kiss her.

Wren's eyes fluttered closed and she basked in the feeling of his mouth moving on hers. And then he pulled away, her heart was still racing in her chest like when he'd kissed her for the first time.

The pilot informed them they were ready to depart. And with a sense of exhilaration, they watched as the cityscape melted away beneath them, replaced by the sprawling expanse of clouds stretching out to the horizon. As the plane soared higher into the sky, Wren felt a sense of freedom and adventure enveloping her.

As they settled into their seats for the flight ahead, Wren couldn't help but feel excited and nervous to share this trip with the ones she loved most. And as the plane soared through the clouds towards their destination, Wren settled her head against Jungkook's shoulder—closing her eyes.

In ten hours hours they'd be in Australia. 

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