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Wren was curled up in a cage, shivering in the darkness. She could feel the ropes on around her ankles, digging into her skin. There were bruises and cuts on various parts of her body. Everything ached. But she was used to the pain. It had been months. She rarely saw the sun, and the shadows had become her reality. She whimpered, her stomach aching with hunger. And then she heard footsteps from down the hall, each footfall became louder as her captor got closer and closer to her.

Thump, thump, thump. . .

"Wren, wake up. Wren." The thumping gradually faded and she came back to herself, waking from the nightmare.

She was whimpering aloud, and someone was shaking her shoulder gently trying to wake her.

"Hey, you're alright. You were dreaming," It was Jungkook's voice and a sense of relief washed through her when she opened her eyes and saw him kneeling over her.

She was still in the post dream fog, quivering as another pathetic whimper escaped her.

"Shhhh, princess, I'm right here."

It was dark, and rain was beating against the windows so loudly. It pulled her back into reality the thundering outside the glass, and she remembered that she'd left her apartment in Busan because of the Typhoon and she'd gone to Jungkook's place.

"They had me a in a cage," Wren said, sitting up. She put her head in her hands and Jungkook's hand came down on her shoulder gently.

"They can't hurt you anymore," he said, and Wren peered up at him, realizing he was talking like he knew. She'd never told him about the incident.

"Who told you?" Wren asked, her tone accusatory.

Jungkook pursed his lips, and leaned against the couch like he was settling in for a long chat.

"The news reporters were talking about it a few weeks ago."

Wren remembered hearing them talk about her past kidnapping a few weeks ago. For some reason Wren felt weird knowing that he knew.

She looked back down at her hands, unable to look him in the eye.

The room was dim, the only light being the lamp he'd flicked on. It gave everything a soft orange hue.

"Do you have nightmares a lot?" he asked her, and Wren sighed.

"Recently I do. After I got hit at that fight, they returned."

Silence spread between them for a moment, but Wren didn't feel awkward. For some reason she felt comforted by his presence in the quietness. Just having him there was helping her come down from the feeling of her nightmare that still lingered.

"Is there anything that helps?" he asked, and she shook her head.

"Not a lot of things."

More silence, and Wren wondered if he just didn't know what to say. But then, maybe because it was two o'clock in the morning, she had the sudden urge to tell him about the music. His music.

"Sometimes—" she trailed off, struggling to admit the truth. "I listen to your voice to fall asleep."

She dared to look up and see his reaction. He was looking at her thoughtfully through the long strands of hair that had fallen into his eyes. He tongue peeked out to play with his lip piercing for a moment and when he didn't respond right away, Wren started to feel embarrassed.

"I shouldn't have said that," Wren said, letting out a weak laugh. "I sound like an obsessed fan—"

He reached out, his hand grabbing hers. Wren stared at his large fingers, his tattoos still clearly visible even in the darkness.

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