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As Wren turned the key in the lock, the familiar creak of the front door echoed through the large front entryway. Stepping into the living room, she found her mother sitting anxiously on the couch, a worried expression etched on her face.

"Wren, there you are!" her mother exclaimed, relief flooding her voice as she stood up to greet her daughter. "I've been waiting up all night. Sang said you were out with friends, but I couldn't help but worry."

Wren's heart sank as she saw the concern in her mother's eyes. She hadn't meant to cause her worry, but she knew she had been reckless in her actions. Guilt gnawed at her conscience as she realized the distress she had caused.

"I'm sorry, Mom," Wren said softly, her voice tinged with regret. "You really didn't need to wait up. I didn't mean to make you worry."

Her mother's eyes softened with understanding, but the worry still lingered in her gaze. "Who were you out with, sweetheart?" she asked gently, a note of apprehension in her voice. "Was it Korain?"

Wren hesitated for a moment, her mind racing with memories of the night's events. She knew she couldn't lie to her mother, but she also couldn't bear to see the disappointment in her eyes.

"No, Mom," Wren replied honestly, shaking her head no sure if she was ready to admit her relationship to her mother. Not that she was ashamed of Jungkook. Wren just knew how her parents might act. And how they would act was sure to be one word. Weird. And probably slightly obsessive. Once they discovered she was in a relationship with one of the the most famous people in all of Korea she knew questions were going to be asked and that her mother and father were sure to be overly excited. 

"It wasn't Korain. I was with some friends from the gym."

Her mother's expression relaxed slightly at the reassurance, but Wren could still see the lingering concern in her eyes. She really needed to get her own place. She hated making her mom stress about her. 

"Well, I'm glad you're home. I was talking with your father earlier and we talked about possibly going to Australia for your graduation." 

"Australia?" Wren perked up, she hadn't been to her mother's birth country in a very long time. She thought back to the last time which had to have been when she was around eleven. "That would be amazing." 

"Wouldn't it? I thought so too. We can talk about it more later, but I know you have lessons tonight so we can discuss it tomorrow." 

"Sounds good," Wren said, actually excited for the prospect to go to Australia. Despite the current relationship with her parents and her need for independence, a trip to Australia could be good for them. Wren could picture the three of them going together and getting away from everything. And maybe, just maybe some things between them all would heal. 

"Oh, and Wren," her mother stopped her suddenly. "Sang is out running a few errands for your father. But he'll back tomorrow morning. You can take one of our cars to work tonight. But please be sure to try and stay with him when he does get back. For my own sanity, please." 

Wren sighed, knowing she couldn't always and forever had Sang next to her. Someday she was going to have to be trusted to be out on her own. But knowing her mother's fears and also because she loved Sang dearly, she agreed.

"Alright, Mom. I'll try." 

Wren takes the stairs two at a time up to her room and then proceeds to change out of the baggy sweatpants and t shirt she'd changed into at the cabin. 

She couldn't help it as showered and did her hair she thought back on the kiss he'd given her in the car when he'd dropped her off at her house. Thankfully his windows were extremely tinted beause the way he'd kissed her had been far from publicly appropriate. And he'd told her he loved her just before she'd gone inside. 

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