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Wren prepared for the dinner party the next night. Nervousness about seeing Jungkook there tangling her insides. She knew there was a chance he would be there but after they talked last night at Vera she knew for fact he would be. And he was expecting her. 

As she stood before her wardrobe, she deliberated over her choice of attire, her fingers trailing over the array of dresses that hung before her. But in the end, her eyes were drawn to a sleek black dress with daring cutouts on the hips and a large slit on the thigh. It was a bold choice that was sure to turn heads and make a statement.

With a satisfied smile, Wren slipped into the dress, feeling it hug her curves like a second skin. It was a daring choice, one that pushed the boundaries of her mother's usual conservative tastes, but she couldn't deny the thrill of rebellion that surged through her veins.

Finding the slit to be a little bare she found a piece of leg jewelry to clip around her thigh, the gems trickled down perfectly, adorning her skin with just the right amount of sparkle. 

For her hair, she decided to let it cascade down her shoulders in loose waves, a departure from her usual pulled-back style. And for her makeup, she opted for smokier eyes and a bolder lip, adding a touch of elegance to her look.

As she finished putting on the last bits of her makeup look her phone started to buzz. 

Korain's number appeared on the screen. Another feeling entirely came onto the scene. It was calmer than the chaos that Jungkook seemed to ensue. 

"Hey, Korain," she answered. 

"Hey, Wren. I was just thinking about you. What are you up to?"

Wren paused, unsure how truthful she should be. Then remembering he pretty much knew everything about her. Well except for the Jungkook stuff. "I'm getting ready for the dinner party with my parents," she replied. "What about you?"

There was a brief pause before Korain spoke again, his voice tinged with anticipation. "Actually, I was wondering if you're free next week. I thought maybe we could go see a movie together? I finally have a day off from rotations."

Wren's heart skipped a beat at the invitation, a rush of warmth flooding her cheeks. "Sure," she replied, unsure how to handle these back and forth dates that were beginning to line up for her. She was starting to feel like she was on some dating show.  "Sounds like fun."

Korain chuckled softly, the sound sending a shiver down her spine. "Great. I'll pick you up at seven, If that's okay for me to come to your house?" he said, his tone filled with anticipation. 

"Yeah, that should be fine. I'll send you my address." 

As they said their goodbyes and hung up the phone, Wren couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Confusion, excitement, nervousness. 

She texted him her address and felt the situation becoming all the more real. 

She had another date scheduled with Korain and now she was going to see Jungkook tonight. 

What could possibly go wrong?


The house that the party was being held at was high up in the mountains of the north side of the city. It was a gorgeous drive and in a secluded wooded area. The house belonged to one of the members of the officials helping to put on the expo. 

Wren drove with her parents and while not entirely thrilled with her choice of attire, had remained silent upon seeing her. Their polite smiles masking any disapproval they may have felt. They seemed to be picking and choosing their battles and thankfully they didn't say a word, but Wren could sense the tension simmering beneath the surface. 

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