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As Wren's consciousness slowly returned, she was greeted by the steady rhythm of beeping. With a groan, she stirred, her eyelids fluttering open to reveal the sterile surroundings of a hospital room.

Confusion clouded her mind for a moment as she took in her surroundings, her groggy gaze landing on the various machines and monitors that surrounded her bed. She slowly lifted her arm and realized that she was connected to some sort of medical equipment, the wires and tubes tethering her to the machines in a tangled web.

As the fog of sleep began to lift, Wren's eyes widened in alarm, her heart racing with a sudden surge of panic. What had happened? Why was she in the hospital?

Slowly the previous days events started to come back to her. Running from Korain, breaking the window, running through the forest and getting shot. 

"Wren, Wren are you awake sweetie?" Her mother's voice pulled her further back down to reality, and she turned to find both her mom and dad sitting anxiously by her bedside. 

She reached down to touch the spot on her leg where it had been bleeding so much. "I was shot," she croaked, her voice raspy from sleep. 

"You're okay now, honey," her dad reassured her, reaching out to take her hand. "They got the bullet out and you're going to be okay." 

She could see that tears were flowing down their faces now and Wren still a little bit woozy from whatever drug they were giving to minimize the pain, was still trying to understand. 

"I'm okay, why are you crying?" she asked them. 

"We were so worried." Her father said, choking on a sob. She couldn't remember the last time she saw her father cry. "It's a miracle you escaped." 

"I broke the window," she said, still dazed, and she looked down to find her right hand was bandaged as well. "I got away." 

"Yes you did." Her mother sniffled, and leaned in to hug her tightly, being careful to avoid hurting her leg. Wren breathed in the familiar scent of her mom grateful they'd managed to save her. 

"How did you find me?" Wren asked as she recalled not being able to run any further once she'd found the road. 

"Someone drove by and stopped to help you when they saw you were bleeding. They called an ambulance and were able to get you to a hospital. We got call that you were alive and at Konkuk University Medical Center. We came straight here."  

Wren nodded, glad she'd made it far enough. She thought she was doomed for a moment. 

"Where's Sang?" Wren asked, wishing she would've listened to her mother and taken Sang with her. She wouldn't be here if she'd just had him. 

"He's outside in the hall. So is Jungkook." 

"Jungkook is here?" Wren's eyes widened and the shock shoved aside her grogginess, her mind sharpening with acute awareness. "How. . .when. . ." she stumbled on her words. 

"We know about you two," her father said. "He was the one that alerted us that you were missing. When you didn't answer his calls and texts for a few hours he knew something was wrong." 

Wren's heart ached, thinking about him and she wanted so desperately to see him. 

"Can I see them? Both of them," she asked, surprised by the tears suddenly pricking the corners of her eyes. Gosh she wanted to see Jungkook so badly. 

"Of course, we will go alert the nurses that you're awake. In the mean time you can visit. But not for too long, okay? You need rest." Her mother said, patting her hand. 

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