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Sang sat across from Wren at the kitchen table the next morning, watching her with a narrowed expression. 

"So how did the session go." 

"Fine," Wren said, not elebaroting. She shoved some rice and eggs into her mouth, trying to ignore the intense look on her body guard's face. She knew he'd be like this. Wanting to know every detail of what happened. 

"Wren. You promised." 

"Did I?" She raised her eyebrows at him. "I'm pretty sure you just demanded I tell you what happened." 

"Were you mean to him?" 

"I was perfectly civil, I'll have you know." 

"What did he say?" 

"Not much. He just said he was glad to have me coaching him and then I taught him some basics." 

"That's it?" Sang asked in disbelief. 

"That's it," Wren reiterated. "Look, Sang. I'm just trying to get through these stupid sessions my father is forcing me into so I can get my life back."

"You really upset him this time, didn't you?" Sang sighed, sipping his coffee. 

"I've never had him do something like this to me." 

"You're father has a point though. If people do get word of your boxing hobby, having Jungkook involved will make the public much less wary of it." 

"Why would the public eye care what my hobbies are?" 

"Boxing is one thing, Wren. Its' something that with a little bit of understanding the public eye might be able to get past. But you've participated in illegal fights. That's not something to take lightly." 

"But no now knows I'm an underground fighter." 

"Still. It helps to have an idol's support wether you want to see that or not. I know how much you hate it, but you are a prime minister's daughter. Things are expected of you." 

"Just because I'm his daughter I can't have real life hobbies?"

"Life isn't fair, little bird, and you know that." 

Little bird. It was what he called her from time to time and why she'd chosen the name Nightingale as her boxing name. Sang had been protecting her from most of her life. He was the closest person to her. 

"I wish I could be freer." 

"I know," he said softly. He'd simmered over the last several days, no longer so mad about her not telling him about the Jungkook thing. 

"Did you get to meet any of the other members?" Sang asked suddenly, and she could tell he was trying not to act too excited. 

"No, it was just him." 

His brow furrowed. "You'll see him again on Friday?" 

"Yes." She shoveled more egg and rice into her mouth. 

"Well, you better get your homework done then. You missed quite a bit during your session with him." 

Wren groaned. "And my father wants me to shadow him again at work today. When am I going to have the time to catch up?" 

Sang gave her an apologetic smile. "You could get started while I drive you to the office?" 

Wren groaned pushing her plate of food to the side and standing up. "I feel like I'm a prisoner." 


Wren sat on her bedspread later in the week, mountains of homework spread out before her. She missed two morning tutoring sessions. English and Math, and now she was swamped. She couldn't believe what two hours of missed tutoring could do to her. 

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