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As Wren stepped into the bedroom, her eyes widened in surprise at the sight before her. A luxurious king-sized bed dominated the room, its plush mattress and soft pillows inviting her to sink into their comfort. But what caught her attention even more was the small makeshift bed laid out on the floor beside it.

Curious, Wren approached the floor bed and found Jungkook meticulously fluffing the pillows and arranging the blankets with care. She couldn't help but furrow her brow in confusion as she watched him.

"Jungkook, what are you doing?" she asked, her voice laced with bemusement.

Jungkook looked up, a sheepish smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I thought I'd sleep here," he admitted, gesturing to the floor bed.

Wren's eyes widened in disbelief. "On the floor? Are you serious?"

He nodded, his expression earnest. "I want to be a gentleman," he explained, his gaze unwavering as he met her eyes.

A soft chuckle escaped Wren's lips as she shook her head in amusement. "Jungkook, I'm sorry, but we're past the point of separate beds," she said with a playful smile, patting the empty space beside her on the king-sized bed. 

He abandoned his efforts on the floor bed and crossed the room to join her on the larger bed.

He got beneath the sheets and leaned up against the headboard, his face shadowed in the dim light. There was only one lamp in the room and it cast a soft glow on the walls that made everything feel more intimate. 

She laid down and looked up at him. He folded his arms across his chest and looked down at her with a fondness that made her blush. 

"Thanks for letting me stay." 

"Always," he said without hesitation. 

She couldn't help but remember the last time they'd been in a bed together. During the typhoon when she'd needed a place to take refuge for a bit. She vividly remembered the moment between them on the floor bed in the living room, the way he'd touched her and the way she'd nearly melted into a puddle of sensations. 

"You hung up on me the other night," she whispered suddenly. 

He chuckled and threw his head back. "My phone died," he said, then he reached out to brush his fingers through her hair softly. "I'm sorry, Princess. This time we won't have to fall asleep on the phone, I'll be right here." 

She thought back to the other night they'd fallen asleep together over the phone and when she'd woken up to find that the line was dead. She had been slightly disappointed but too embarrassed about the whole thing so she'd failed to bring it up since then. 

"I never thought I'd be the type of person that liked sleeping with someone else," she admitted. 

He nodded in agreement. "Me either to be honest." Then he shook his head as if thinking back on old memories. "I've had plenty of feet in my back, and elbows to the face from the other members that I was sure I'd be done for a while with shared bed space." 

"You shared beds?" she asked, amused. 

He nodded, "Every once in a while on trips and vacations. We are all very close," he said and then sighed. "And some of the members are more space invading than others." 

She giggled at the thought wondering who he might be referring to. 

"Who?" she finally dared to ask. 

He pursed his lips as if unsure if he should say who. 

"Well, Jimin likes to cuddle." Wren could see it for some reason in her head, even after only meeting him once. 

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