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Wren gave Jungkook her helmet and then flashed him a lopsided grin. 

"Okay, I have to admit. That was sort of fun." 

"Sort of?" Jungkook said, offended by her rating of the motorcycle experience. 

"That's all you're getting from me," she said, then she gestured to the door that would take them into the club. "We should get going—"

"Hey, wait." His hand clasped her wrist, tugging her to a stop. Wren looked down at where his tattooed fingers enveloped her small wrist. 

"What?" she asked, something fluttery erupting in her stomach at his sudden touch. She attributed it to her nerves. 

"You know that I'm not going to let anything happen to you right?" His big brown eyes were filled with complete seriousness. 

It was such an unexpected statement that it caught Wren off guard. "What do you mean?" 

"I'm sure you're nervous not having your bodyguard here. But I want to let you know I'll protect you." 

Flames licked at Wren's cheeks as she realized what he was saying. 

"Jungkook—" she trailed off, a little surprised and embarrassed by his chivalrous speech. "You know I can protect myself right?" Wren bit her lip, fighting a smile now. "It will probably be me protecting you in there actually." 

His eyes narrowed on her and a chuckle escaped him. "Don't think I can handle myself?" 

"Just keep your hood on," Wren said, ignoring his last sentence before pulling on her mask. She turned back around, and his hand fell away from her wrist. But she still felt oddly tingling when she stepped through the doors into the club. 

Cigarette smoke bombarded Wren's senses and the lingering fumes of alcohol that always seemed to permeate the air. She took it all in, inhaling deeply. 

Wren kept her head down, weaving through the bystanders to the check in table. Jungkook stayed right behind her, his dark hood pulled over his head. Wren would look back every once in a while to make sure he was still following her. 

When the arrived at the check in table, Wren handed the club owner her 150,000 won. Then after getting her name on the list, Wren guided Jungkook to the locker room that was designated for fighting personnel. 

When she stepped inside she went to the very back corner, her usual secluded spot away from the other boxers, and proceeded to start pulling her gloves and tape out from her duffel. 

"It's busy tonight," Jungkook commented as Wren proceeded to take off her sweat outfit and pull on her boxing robe over her shorts and tank top. 

"It's always busy," Wren commented as she ripped her sports tape with her teeth and started wrapping her hands. 

Jungkook sat beside her on the bench and started helping her wrap her other hand. 

"I don't know, it seems like there were even more people than even the other night." 

Wren rarely took into account the crowd when she came to fight. She was always so focused in on what she was doing, the bystanders were her last concern. 

"Maybe someone big is coming tonight," Wren mused. She would enjoy facing off to someone new and improved from some of the usuals that came to the club. A new challenge always excited her. 

Once she was equipped for her fight, she turned to Jungkook with a very serious expression. 

"Okay, when I go into the ring find a spot that you can see but make sure to stay away fro the mosh pit. You don't want to be in the front. Find a safe location higher up in the back. I would suggest the elevated seats behind the bar, the view is great." 

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