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As Wren and Sang exited the Vera gym, Wren couldn't help the smile that was on her face. 

Sang walked by her side, his presence a comforting reminder of the loyalty. He was always there for her. Man how she'd missed him. 

As they reached the street outside, Wren's phone buzzed with a new message. She glanced down to see a text from Korain. 

Korain: Still wanting to meet up for lunch? I'm at SNUH. 

"Sang, can you take me to SNUH nearby?" Wren asked, looking up at her bodyguard with a hopeful expression.

Sang nodded, his eyes scanning the street for any signs of danger as he fell into step beside her. "Of course, Wren. Is everything alright?"

Wren hesitated, unsure of how much to share with him about her plans to meet Korain. But as she met his gaze, she saw nothing but genuine concern reflected in his eyes—a reminder of the unwavering loyalty he had shown her since the day they met.

"Yeah, everything's fine," she replied, offering him a reassuring smile. "I just need to check on something. Thank you, Sang."

Wren: Yeah I'll meet you outside the front entrance in 10. 


As Wren approached the hospital's front entrance, she spotted Korain standing there in his crisp scrubs, a warm smile lighting up his face as he caught sight of her. Her heart fluttered a bit. It had been a minute since she'd seen him. 

Sang remained in the car, his watchful gaze trained on them from the parking lot. Wren offered him a small wave before pulling up the hood of her jacket, concealing her features in shadow to avoid any unwanted attention.

Korain's eyes sparkled with amusement as he took in her disguise, a playful grin dancing on his lips. "Nice hood," he teased, gesturing for her to follow him away from the entrance.

"Thanks," she rolled her eyes. 

Together, they found a secluded spot under a nearby tree, the dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves overhead as they settled down on the grass. Korain produced a sandwich from his bag, offering it to Wren with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"Hope you're hungry," he said with a chuckle, tearing the sandwich in half and handing her a portion.

Wren couldn't help but laugh as she accepted the offering, the familiar warmth of Korain's presence banishing the lingering shadows of doubt from her mind.

"So, how's your rotation?" she asked looking up at the hospitals tall glassy structure. It was a bright sunny day and the sun reflected off the surface of the building so brightly it sorta hurt to glance up at it. 

"It's been good, my attendee is a little raw around the edges but nothing I can't handle." He smirked. "So tell me, how's life back at home?" 

She paused, biting her lip. "Not as bad as I expected. My father and I have seemed to come to an understanding of sorts." 

He raised an eyebrow. "Really? That's good." 

"Yeah, it's refreshing. We will see how long it lasts." 

"Well, I have good news. I'll actually be staying in Seoul longer than I planned so maybe we can see each other a bit more while I'm here." 

"I'd like that," she said. And she meant it. But also she couldn't help the thought of Jungkook passing thorugh her mind. She felt bad that she'd been involved with them both and neither knew about the other. But she wasn't serious with either of them, and she wasn't going steady. Also she wasn't planning on seeing Jungkook again. So in the ignorance is bliss fashion, Wren ignored it and decided to keep moving along because it was over now anyway. 

As they ate, they exchanged stories and caught up on each other's lives, their conversation flowing effortlessly as if no time had passed at all since they'd lived next to each other. She told him about how Kookie and that he was safe and sound back at her house now and that her mother had actually started taking a liking ot the little rabbit. This made him laugh and he told her stories about his few weeks at the hospital there and the funny stories with his fellow students. 

For a moment, Wren forgot about the troubles that had plagued her, lost in the simple joy of sharing a meal with him. 

And she ignored the feeling that something was missing as they talked. She wanted to believe that Korain would be enough for her, that maybe they could date and she could have a normal relationship with someone. So she blocked out any thoughts that might counter the lie she was telling herself. 

Because that was what she was good at. 

Lying to herself. And to others. 

~ A/N: 

It's far from over my friends. Hang in there. 

~ Sasha xoxo 

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