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The next morning Wren woke up and it took her a second to remember all the events that had transpired from the day before. 

It all hit in a wave when she took in her surroundings. The neat bookshelves and tidy kitchenette. The blankets entangled around her legs, and the usual modern styled lamp next to the couch. 

She was hiding away at her neighbor's house because her family had sent the police after her. 

And after that reality settled in again she remembered with a cringe that she'd kissed her neighbor the night before in attempt to forget the Kpop idol that still haunted her dreams. 

Thankfully she'd been tossing and turning most of the night worried about the police knocking again, that she hadn't had the time to slip into any deep nightmares. She probably slept a total of one hour. She was exhausted and ready for a shower. 

As if sensing that she was awake, Korian walked out of his room dressed in scrubs and holding a suitcase. 

Confusion furrowed Wren's brow. "You need a suitcase to carry all your books to school?" Wren ran a hand through her tangled hair and knew she no doubt looked like trash. But she couldn't find the energy to care in that moment. 

Korain chuckled. "It's not full of books. I've actually been assigned to a rotation in Seoul. I have to leave today and I'll be gone for a week or two." 

Wren's eyes widened. "Oh, they can give you an assignment like that so last minute?" 

Korain's eyes turned regretful. "Unfortunately yes. They had some mix up with some other student that was supposed to go and, anyway. I'm heading out for a few weeks for my cardiology rotation." 

Wren looked around his apartment and realized how awkward this suddenly was. 

"I should go then, I'm sorry for overstaying my welcome," Wren fumbled out of her makeshift bed and stumbled a little getting to her feet. 

"Woah, not so fast. I'm not kicking you out." Korain left his suitcase and came over to help her wobbly, tired form stand upright. He had a lopsided grin on his face as he took in her disoriented state. "You can still stay here while I'm gone. I don't mind." 

"Are you sure?" Wren's brow furrowed. "I already feel like this is too much to ask. But I can't just occupy your apartment and hide out here while you're away." 

"Why not?" Korain asked. "I think we've developed enough of a relationship that you can be here without me." 

Relationship. Woah. Wren cursed herself for being so stupid and kissing her neighbor last night in an attempt to feel something. Now he thought they were getting somewhere and really they were at a complete dead end, going nowhere. She was never going to feel anything remotely similar to what she felt for Jungkook for this guy. 

It sucked to admit it because he was cute and caring and accomplished but Wren knew herself too well. 

"Uh, I don't know.  . ." Wren didn't know how to turn him down, she didn't want to hurt him and then have him kick her out. Because selfishly she needed the refuge of his apartment. She knew the cops would probably keep searching the complex and she didn't want to be staying at her place when they discovered more. She knew her dad's group of private investigators and they always ended up finding what they were searching for. Eventually they'd link her back to the apartment next door. Her only place right now was Korain's place until she could figure out where she was going to go next. Because she couldn't stay there forever. She'd left too many tracks leading to the complex. 

"Don't overthink it. I'll be back in a few weeks and then we'll go out on that surprise date you promised you'd come on." 

The date she promised. . .It took a second for Wren to remember that she'd agreed to go with him to some event in the near future as just "friends" what was she supposed to say now? 

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