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Darkness overwhelmed Wren. A cold chill spreading through her bones. She was trapped, and she couldn't escape. Fear and desperation seized her lungs and her core, she tried to cry, but nothing came out. She was muted, helpless, alone.

Wren jolted awake, gasping for breathe as if she were drowning. She put a hand to her chest, feeling her heart racing beneath her skin. Her ears were pounding with the rapid thumping of her heart, and it took several minutes for her to realize that she was in her room, and she'd just had another nightmare.

She looked out the window, checking to see if someone was there, sensing a pair of eyes on her. It was eerie, always feeling like someone was watching her. It had to be a side effect of her past. The phantom feeling of someone's eyes always on her skin.

The only thing outside the pane of glass was the giant oak that sometimes would scratch her window with its branches when the wind blew.

Another nightmare. She thought the first had been a fluke. But now she feared they were back for good.

She got up and went to her bathroom to splash some warm water on her face. When she went to crawl back into bed though she was still humming with adrenaline. How was she supposed to go back to sleep after that?

Wren grabbed her headphones from her nightstand and started scrolling through her favorite sleep playlists. Usually she could find some good ones on YouTube that would play for several hours and she could get herself back to sleep.

As she was scrolling, her feed suggested to her a song she'd never seen before. And she realized it must've been recommending it to her after her little stalking spree she had the other night when she'd gone down the BTS rabbit hole.

Decalcomania was the title of the song, by Jeon Jungkook.

Wren unthinkingly clicked on the song, and as it came through her earbuds she stilled.

When I see you smile in the screen
You're good at everything
You're just perfect
FeelslikeI've never beenyou

Do you even see me?
Do youknow who I am?
Or how do I look now?
You don't like me like that

Wren's heart seemed to slow as the lyrics surrounded her. His voice was like honey, and it was a soothing balm to her chaotic mind. Wren tried to convince herself multiple times as she listened that she should click out, listen to something else. She shouldn't be calmed by this man's voice that she barely knew.

But her body wouldn't allow her to close out of the song. Instead she seemed to wait expectedly for the next verse, needing and aching for the relief his sweet voice was providing

Come and tell me so much, you beautiful heart
Oh I'm gonna listen to you

All the numbers too big
Can't get out of your game
Oh I want to paint it like you


The song hit her heart in just the right way. Healing, but also ripping her open all at once. She had no idea what was happening to her, all she could do was stay curled up on her comforter, allowing each word wash over her like a wave, burying her, cleansing her, awakening her.

I want to be your decalcomania
I want you
I want to be your decalcomania
I want
I want you

A few tears pooled in Wren's eyes and leaked out onto her cheeks. The little salty droplets hit her pillow, their final destination, and soaked into the cotton.

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