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Wren's second training with Jungkook came so fast she felt a little disoriented when she walked through the doors of HYBE that Friday. She was having a weird sense of deja vu. She felt like she'd been there just yesterday but it had been several days.  Days packed with homework, and her father's shadowing demands. 

She was losing her mind. And she was losing her mind even more for being a little bit excited for their training session. Not because of Jungkook. But because she was finally going to be able to hit something. 

She stepped into the gym and found Jungkook already in the ring practicing his air jabs. 

Wren crossed the wide expanse of the beautiful facility and put her stuff down next to his. Her bag hitting the floor alerted him to her presence and he turned around, a smile lighting up his face. 

"Hey," he said, giving a little bow. "I'm all warmed up." 

"Great, let me just stretch a bit and we can get started." She gave him a reluctant smile and started stretching on the side mats. She was in a horrific mood that morning. And she was struggling to conjure up her politeness like she'd managed in their first session. 

"Where are the others?" she suddenly asked, as she taped her hands. "I never see anyone else in here." 

"We aren't here in the building that much right now. Our projects are slowing down due to our enlistment coming up. We all live in our own apartments now and only come to HYBE when we have things we need to work on." 

"You all used to live together?" Wren asked, her eyes widening. 

"Yeah, up until few months ago actually." He looked at her, a sort of realization overtaking his features. "Did you want to meet them again? The other members. Are you fan?" 

Wren shook her head quickly. "Oh no, I'm not a fan." She knew that sounded bad the moment it left her lips. "That came out wrong. What I meant was, I'm just not a huge pop listener. And I don't need to meet the members again. I'm fine to just be with you." 

She cursed, realizing that she couldn't seem to get her words straight. 

"You know what I mean," she quickly added, her cheeks flushing. 

"Yeah, I know what you mean," he smiled and the light twinkled off his lip piercing. She quickly looked away. 

Once she was thoroughly stretched out she crouched under the ring cables to stand across from him. She had some punching mitts this time around to use with him and hoped that it wouldn't be too difficult of an exercise. 

"Today we're going to focus on your jabs and uppercuts again." 

He looked a little disappointed at her words 

"What's that face?" she asked, her eyes narrowing on him. 

"I just hoped we could maybe do some takedowns today. As I said over the phone, I've been working tons on my jabs and uppercuts and I think I got pretty good at them. Maybe we could try something a bit harder." 

"Takedowns will happen when you're ready. Right now you're not." She paused, their phone conversation coming to mind. "How did you get my number anyway?" 

"My manager got it from your father. And he said that if I needed anything I could use it." 

Of course he did. 

Wren sucked in a breath trying to calm herself. 

"Sorry, did you not want me to have your number?" His brow furrowed. "I didn't mean to overstep, princess." 

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