Chapter 24: The Sports Festival begins!

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"It has awakened,"

Midoriya woke up in a dark void. Silhouettes floated around him, one with a crack on his face, and began to speak.

"It's called Danger Sense."

"Danger what?" Midoriya tried to speak only to make a muffled noise.

"Your body is around 15%. We can't communicate with you. You will have to learn the quirk on the fly. Don't let it overwhelm you."

"Wh-Whats happening?"

"We barely can communicate with you, especially with him trying to escape your device." Said a female voice

"Dark -"

The world began to brighten up as he shot up from his bed.

"Sweety! C'mon, you need to get up!" Inko Midoriya said as Izuku got up and looked in surprise.

"Oh, that's right. Some of us went home before the Sports Festival, so to hang out with our families and they can wish us good luck." Izuku said to himself.

Um, Izuku."
Izuku finished putting on his shoes nervously and turned around at his mother, Inko, standing with a small but worried smile.

"Don't do anything to hurt yourself, I don't want you to overdo things anymore." She said, almost as if that was a plead.

Izuku could tell that she was excited, yet also worried for him.

He smiled at her, gleaming as the morning light shined down on him. "Mom, you know what kind of festival this is." He chuckled. "But don't worry, I'll be fine. And right after I show you how much stronger I've gotten at the festival, then you won't have to worry!"

Inko smiled at him, then hugged him rather tightly." Just do your best, okay?"

"I will if you promise me you won't worry so much,"

"I-I... I'll try," Inko said with a smile.

Izuku then ran out from the balcony. His mother watched her only son run off."Hisashi, I hope you're watching over him." Inko thought to herself with a smile.

Izuku was sitting on a bench looking over his phone seeing any news on heroes, but right now, the media showed the U.A.'s sports festival and their excitement when it began, which honestly made the boy more anxious, especially since he will be representing the first year.


Izuku looked up from his phone to see Yaoyorozu standing there before she took the seat next to him."Yaoyorozu? Wh-What are you doing here?!" He asked in surprise.

"Well, this is a train station, Midoriya..."Yaoyorozu gestures to the obvious.

"N-No is just aren't you like super rich? I have seen go in a private limo." Midoriya pointed out the girl blushed before turning away.

"I-I just thought it would be nice taking the train, you know, so I can clear my head while I walk to school." The girl stuttered a bit but managed to get her heiress professional behaviour back.

Izuku raised an eyebrow before shrugging, believing their story.

"Truth is, I wanted to walk with him to school with him alone." She thought as she looked at the boy she remembered how Kendo was going to confess.

" I'm kinda nervous," Izuku said, bringing Yaoyorozu out of her thoughts.

"The sports festival, I mean so many people are counting on me, and have so much faith in me, I-I guess I'm worried I won't live up to it," Izuku said, twiddling with his fingers clearly nervous.

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