Chapter 17: USJ Attack: Rising to the Occuasion

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Midoriya felt the rushing wind on his face he slowly opened his, and his midsection felt excruciating pain, his body ached all over, and he soon remembered the day's events."USJ... everyone...wait everyone!!" 

He looked to see a man he didn't recognize carrying him on his shoulder, and Midoriya began to struggle."Let go, let go of me,"

The man didn't make any indications that the boy was awake or calm him down, which only made their boy struggle more. Midoriya finally noticed he was in the air very high up in the air."What do you want from me?

The masked man remained silent as he approached the ground.

"Are you with that guy? Kaine?"

Still no response.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!"

Still no response as he landed before tossing the boy to the ground roughly the boy ached in pain."Ow! What was"

He was grabbed by the shirt and slammed to the wall. As to the boys' shock, a Diamondhead crystal hand sharpened to his throat as the masked man removed his helmet, revealing his face.

"Billions of beings on this planet and the Omnitrix falls upon the wrist of an over-eager fanboy so quick to prove that he leads his admiration of All Might to blind him."

Midoriya struggled."All Might...? Omnitrix? How do you know about the Omnitrix?!"

"It's the most powerful device in the universe to think the power of One For All and the Omnitrix would fall into your hands."

Midoriya widened."How do you... you have been watching me! You and your friends."

"Astute observation."

"What the hell do you want from me?! Let go!" Midoriya asked as he struggled through the grip.

"Why so you can get yourself killed?"The masked man asked."I have never seen such admiration for one person enough to get themselves killed."

"What are you talking about!? Let go!"

"You have an arsenal of powerful of form plus the power of All Might you should've made light work of those villains."

"Let go! That thing was meant to fight All Might of course I didn't stand a chance! I have to go help my classmates anyway I can till the pros arrive!"

"What are the Nomu's abilities?"Tetrax asked,

"Let go!"

"What are his abilities?!"

Midoriya winced from the blade approaching neck."Sh-Shock absorption and... regeneration."Realization soon dawned on him as he stopped his struggling. as he fell to his knees, clutching his head."I'm an idiot."

"Yes, you are a fool. You had knowledge that the being was meant to fight All Might, and you chose the form you called Four Arms?"

Midoriya punched the ground."A-All Might c-can beat a-any villain I-I... Damn it!"

"You are not All Might," Tetrax said bluntly. which made the boy win as he felt a stabbing pain."I know. I know I'll never be like him! I'll never be All Might even with his quirk I'm.."

"You are not him. It's a fact. he is reliant on punches and his overwhelming strength, but you have the ability to be every hero."

Midoriya widened his fanboy of every hero flooding in like a damn that just broke, each matching with his own aliens. He stared at the ground as the words of Gran Torino, "Your admiration to All Might are shackles."

"The main campus is currently being attacked. The pros will not arrive likely. Most of your friends will have perished by the time they get there. They need hope. They need all might. You're supposed to be his successor, the person who has to step in when he can't!"

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