Chapter 13: A Quirk Assessment Test?! Meeting Class 1-A

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"A Quirk Assessment Test?" The entire class repeated Aizawa's words in confusion.

Uraraka took a step forward, "But what about the entrance ceremony or the guidance sessions?" She asked cutely in confusion. She had really been looking forward to those and getting to know the school, her new peers, and the faculty.

"A waste of time if you want to become heroes." Aizawa replied lackadaisically, "You have very little time here at U.A. to learn what you need to learn. Our school prides itself on its 'freestyle' system of education, and that applies to the teachers as well."

Everyone had question marks over their heads, "The softball throw, the fifty-meter dash, consecutive side-steps, endurance running, grip strength, the standing long-jump, seated toe touches, and sit-ups. You all did these in middle school but were never allowed to use your quirks. It isn't rational, but the Department of Education loves dragging their feet about changing things and creating new standards." He glanced towards the group," Midoriya."

The boy in question stood like a soldier. Which inside brought a smile to the man. "He heard that expelled a whole class kid must be terrified, no wonder he was here first. He definitely won't be holding back and if I'm correct he will demolish everyone's record, and when everyone knows what he can do, he will be a target, for a reason or another, either for competition or jealousy having the Omnitrix put a target so big the kid has no idea. Maybe getting him ready for it would be for the best."

"Midoriya. You got the highest score in history. How far could you throw a ball in middle school?"

"Tch. That damn nerd must have cheated." He muttered under his breath.

"Oh, Bakugou, have something to say?"

"I said that damn nerd must have cheated! Because there's no way in hell he could ever get a score that!!"He screamed out, he's been holding so much anger, everywhere he went he heard was about his stupid score. "THAT QUIRKLESS LOSER COULD NEVER GET A BETTER SCORE THAN ME!!" He shouted that everyone could hear.

Everyone backed away from the blonde boy who was clearly angry and glaring at the boy.

"Dude, what's his problem with Midoriya?" Kaminari asked, backing away from the blonde.

"Guy is unhinged."

"What are you talking about, Midoriya has--" Iida was cut off by Aizawa. who raised his hand.

There was silence, and Aizawa raised an eyebrow."This kid has been holding that much anger from getting second place?"

"Alright. I was going to just ask Midoriya, but since you feel the need to prove yourself, you'll both throw the ball and since you think our prestigious school would allow something as... cheating then you would have no problem getting a higher scorer than Midoriya?"

"I'll blow that nerd's score!"

"I don't appreciate my students being labeled as cheaters especially when they earned the points so if you beat his score then you would prove to everyone that you are better but if he gets better you will apologize for your outburst and your claim of cheating. Your arrogance and entitlement will not be allowed at this school." Aizawa said with a serious tone.

Midoriya paled. If Kacchan was forced to apologize, he would be so angry.

The blonde just scoffed, "Sure, whatever." 

As he tossed two softballs, Midoriya clumsily caught the ball while the blonde himself caught it with ease.

"This is getting intense." Said Kirishima with excitement.

"Why he's a problem he seems

"Our teacher doesn't seem to take any of Bakugou's rude behaviour and seeks to purge it out."Iida sums it up.

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