Chapter 10: Entrance Exam!!

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We opened at UA as Izuku was in his Aldrea uniform, clutching the straps of his backpack.

"M-Made it just in time," Izuku said in between breaths as he took a moment to look at the massive gates of UA in awe.

"Oh, then you are Dekiru!"

He heard the familiar voice of Uraraka, who walked up to him smiling. The girl herself had a smile seeing the boy.

"Ain't this nerve-wracking!"

"Yeah, but we have to do our best!"

"Stupid Deku." Izuku heard a voice behind him. He turned to see Bakugou glaring at him with hate in his eyes, Uraraka turned to see a blonde boy.

"Kacchan..." Izuku said

"Get out of my way, or I'll set you on fire," Bakugou growled as Izuku jumped a little and flipped his arms around.

"L-Lets do our best!" The girl was a little concerned by how her friend acted around him. It didn't feel friendly. As he sighed in relief.

"Hey, you two don't go in without me!" He heard the voices of Pony and Kendo, who were running up to them with a smile.

"Alright! Let's go!"

Midoriya nodded before smiling

The written portion of the exam was difficult but Izuku got it done with some minutes to spare thanks to his intelligence and the studying he did with Uraraka and judging by the smile she, Pony and Kendo shared the exams went well for them.

"They must have done somewhat well they don't look distraught from the written portion." He thought to himself.

Izuku and the rest of the examinees were in an auditorium Izuku sat down, unfortunately for him, he sat right next to his former childhood friend turned bully as the lights turned on, and Present Mic was in front of them on a stage.

"What's up, U.A. candidates, thanks for tuning in to me. Your school D.J.! Come on, let me hear ya!" Present Mic shouts while the rest was in complete silence, but Izuku was jumping in place a bit.

"Keeping it mellow, huh? That's fine, I'll skip to the main show." Present Mic said, pretending nothing happened continued.

Okay! Now, as your application said, today you are rocking boys and girls with me in a ten-minute mock battle in a simulated suburban city. After I drop the mic here, you'll be escorted to your specified battle centres! Everything good?" Present Mic said as Izuku and Bakugou looked at their Examine I.D cards and saw that Izuku was going to be in Battle Center B while Bakugou was going to be at Battle Center A.

"I see. So they are spiting us up so we can't work together with friends." Bakugou said, figuring out the purpose for the different locations. Izuku looked at Bakugou's Exam I.D. which Bakugou noticed

"Get your eyes off my card!" Bakugou growled as Izuku flinched back.

"Damn. I was looking forward to crushing you." Bakugou said, now realizing that he couldn't crush Izuku during their mock battles due to the different locations while Izuku looked at him nervously

"Okay, okay. Check out your targets. There are three types of mock villains in every battle centre. You'll earn points based on their level of difficulty. So you better choose wisely. Your goal is to raise your points by shredding these foes like in a mid-song guitar solo. But check it, and make sure you keep things heroic. Attack other students is a U.A., no no, ya dig?" Present Mic said

"Excuse me, sir, but I have a question." one student said as he stood up and with his hand up.

"Hit me." Present Mic pointed to the student when a stoplight lit over him. This student was relatively tall and muscular with a wide frame. He had short dark blue hair, flattened neatly down and parted on the left of his head, a small patch completely shaved near the base of his head, and rather square eyes that matched the notably pointed shape of his jaw. He had a serious expression and glasses on, while his uniform was something that looked like private school, and he wore glasses.

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